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  • kutjaaa


    Nah hogy okuljatok.
    Tegnapelott irtam az Inno3D supportnak egy kedves levelet a szepremenyu AGP-s 6600GT-m altal produkalt szokasos hibajelensegekkel kapcsolatban. Az igazsaghoz hozzatartozik hogy nalam nincs fps zuhanas es hasonlok, csak megvan a 16x PCI EXPRESS, es a 6600GO detect. Az alabbi valaszt kaptam a segitokesz support-tol. :R

    Dear Torma,

    The wrong identification issue is due to the unified bios of geforce 6600
    series VGA card. It can be say as a bug but it won't affect the performance
    and stability of the card. It rarely happened in some systems.

    So would you mind using some benchmark program(eg 3dmark05) to test for the
    It should get 3200~3500 for your card.

    Finally, you may also update the VGA card driver for better compatibility of
    Official WHQL: http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_84.21.html
    Official Beta:

    Any inquiry, please feel free to contact us.

    Best regards,
    Technical Support Specialist''

    Kedves Ken koszonom a segitseget. :F

    T450, XIAOMI Note 8T,

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