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  • [Prolixus]


    válasz Riot Gin #22969 üzenetére

    Jah, ez nagyon szakmai, ilyenek pontos fordítását ne várd el...pár javítás, ami a magyar szöveg alapján nyelvtanilag értelmesnek tűnik:

    The PSZ-9d armor proved its abilites on the Zone battlefields, and the Duty chiefs has ordered their technicians to turn it into an exoskeleton type outfit. Some points of the armor has been reinforced to make it fitting for the exoskeleton system. This version is paired with an M12 Tactical helmet, which provides excellent protection for the head and ensures that the soldiers' fighting abilities aren't hindered at night by mounting a first generation nightvision upon it. Although the armor cannot be upgraded with an artifact container (???), but can be upgraded with a good old life-saving combat support system.

    I'm no hero Doc, I'm just your regular US Army Mark 4 cyber commando

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