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  • Slayer Valor


    Ha valakinek van kedve, ezt lefordíthatná nekem:D;]:D

    Stone Mountain:
    Go to desert and head up to upper right. Work your way thru
    door at paw on left. Get chest at end (herb and key). Go back to locked door.
    You come out on mountainside. ( I previously broke all the stone heads on the mountain. You need the magic dust to get to the one in the upper right. A chest is there also..I think its a bird). There are more rocks blocking the way. Go in door and save. Break the head shooting fireballs. Climb up on right and push the center white pillar and jump down. Push statue and go thru door. In next room,push left
    statue left over far left button and push the right statue to the middle so it is on two buttons. Step on the last button. Go down either stair to the room with two gates and two buttons, with the switches and machine behind the gates. You CANNOT run fast enough to get in the gate, so don't waste your time. You must press the buttons in the right sequence to start the machine(You never get in the room). If you look at the sign in the room above, you will see a repeating pattern of two Japanese characters. I've gotten lots of email about this puzzle. In english it will be a no brainer. The proper sequence is: R-L-R-R-L-L. The machine will start when you do it properly. Now you go to the room with the white pillars and go up the stairs on the left. Plates are moving. Room has chest with herb and a door on the right. Beat lepracans and get key from chest. Ehen you come out, a head is shooting fire. Shoot arrows to destroy head.Before continuing, you may want to drop down, refill and save. Now go to door across first platform into room with spiked balls. Go down stairs and push statue. Go thru door and you'll be locked in room. Push the 4 levers down and door will open. Save and go outside. The rocks blocking the way will fall. Go up and get chest on ledge with level 2 spell #1. Your scroll is replaced by a book. Go up stairs and in door just under head. Destroy the 5 heads shooting fire. You acn easily go back and refill and save if you got wounded. In next room move statues and jump in hole. Room has 7 heads shooting with one in middle shooting very damaging laser. You need to break in certain order. Be quick. I used the sword since it hits with a higher frequency. Kill the one in the middle last. You can use up your heal magic since you can refill after this. A chest will drop with a key and a platform to go back up. Go back outside and save. Go up to left of head and drop to locked door. In first room a large plate drops. Quickly run around to the left and across plate and to orange button before it gets all the way down. Gate opens on right. In the next room, you'll be on the the ledge above room with 5 heads you destroyed earlier. The chest behind statue has potion. Push top left statue ot left, top right one to left to reveal button. Press and stair appears. In next room walk to second platform and kill lepracans. When destroyed, go up to statue which will fill you up and drop chest with life container (now have 30). Jump to stairs at lower right.Boss- go in the next room and a ghost head appears. You end up on a catwalk. Go up until you get stopped. The boss will start chashing you. Run down, breaking rocks. Don't try to hurt it because you can't. You need to outlast it. Eventually he will wear out. Use the run button when you get a chance to add some distance between you and the boss. When its beat, a birdman appears and then a lepracan appears with a guy with a Don King hairdo. You warp out to chest and get a gold crystal. I think this is the spot where you get a blue cape (similar to the digging one). I'm not sure at this point what it is for. I think its a water cape.

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