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  • Slayer Valor


    Ez a szöveg magyarul?? :D:D:D

    Burning Bush Dungeon:
    I guess we'll find out the real names of these levels when Working Designs
    releases the US version.
    Go north past the pond and up the steps to top area. Go in cave where you see
    the two flag poles. Talk to the group and the cowards will leave you alone again
    to fight. Go to the back of the room and break a hole. You have to jump up on a
    small ledge and hit with ball and chain.
    Get to save warp by hitting switch with arrow. Fill up and save. In first area,
    get on platform with lamp and throw at bush. Go south and ride directional
    platform to chest at end of room. Go back, refill and save. The warp on top of
    the ledge goes to a water area with 3 chests. Fill up and save when you return.
    Now go thru the door right of save warp(across spike area). This room has a
    chest behind bushes in upper left hand corner. Jump across to switch and back to
    top(CCW). You can now get over the first set of plates. To get over the second
    set, throw a bomb on switch(Don't jump down). On the other side are two lamps
    and a door. I tried to get to the chest with the lamps but couldn't on a couple
    tries so I moved on. I'll go back later. Go thru door to right. Jump on
    platform, get barrel and come back to activate switch and three lamps drop. Go
    in cave door on top of ledge. To get the chest, don't burn bushes on the ledge.
    Go to right side of room, get lamp and throw at bush on top of pedastal. You
    need to clear the pedastals to jump to chests from last pedestal. Need good
    timing to keep from getting knocked off. Go back to room with platforms and go
    thru south door( is this music Mario castle music or what!)
    The next room is a water room with lamps and platforms. Take lamps and burn
    bushes to get to the chest with the key. Head out the south door. The next room
    has spike balls rotating around platform with chest. Get herb and go out door to
    right. The next room gets buggy...literally. Kill the thing that keeps
    generating the killer crickets, then step on switch. Go to door at top..use key
    and get key and herbs if you need them. Go back to bug room, press switch and
    run right. Kill the enemies on each level to lower the platform.Use bombs. Door
    is at top. In the next room do NOT kill the turtles immediately. Let them walk
    around and burn the bushes with their fire breath. When they burn the bush in
    the corner, jump on switch that appears. Then kill turtles and lower platform.
    Ride it up. Clear the corridor with arrows. At the end is one lamp and two
    pathes blocked by bushes. Pick the left as it has another lamp in the back. Use
    it to clear the right path. In next area, jump on left warp. You'll go to area
    with spike balls and directional platform. Get chest in lower left corner for
    another key. Go back to warp and then jump on right warp. You now warp to chest
    with $30. Step on next warp and you are now on tall platform in center of room
    with spike balls and directional platform. Jump across to platform on left with
    jars. If you miss jump, warp back around. Break jars for a little life refill
    and go thru locked door. Go up. Now you'll need a little faith. Go to the right
    and fall down to a switch with platform and lamp. Go thru door. Go thru series
    of warps to get to a room with bugs and 5 white platforms. Bomp these and jump
    thru hole. Go to room with warp. You'll end up on ledge with switch which opens
    door below. Look familiar? You're back in room with save warp. Save and refill.
    If you're tired at this point,I'd stop and rest. You'll need your jumping skills
    for the next area. This room has a symbol that looks like a backwards Nazi
    symbol, 4 levers and two doors in the back. The back right door has chests with
    potions if you need them. The back left door leads to a room with a maze shaped
    like the symbol and 4 warps. You need to solve each room to get the levers to
    work. Warning: When you beat room, read the plaque in the room to activate the
    lever. If you leave room without reading it, you'll be doing the room again.
    Solve the 4 rooms as follows: Lower left warp-You need to take the lamps to
    light posts in each corner. If you fall or a drip puts out the fire, its back to
    go. Upper left warp-Ther is a switch on a ledge. Burn a path to the switch and
    do't try to light posts. When you hit switch, they all light. Upper right warp-
    be quick! Grab first three lamps to left of door and throw quickly to light the
    three nearest posts. You need to quickly grab the fourth before the drips put it
    out. Take it to ledge on other side and throw to light final post. READ PLAQUE!
    Lower right warp- Directional platform. Kill bug generator first and then
    lighting posts is easy. Go back to room with levers. This was trial and error
    for me so heres the solution- Point upper left to right, upper right to left,
    lower left point up and lower right point down. Now you can ride the platform
    up. Work your way to top door( ride up jump to right platform and then to far
    left platform. At top go in room. Again, time is of the essence. Get barrel on
    left and quickly throw to right and get lamp before platform lowers all the way.
    Then jump up on ledge and burn bush..go thru door. The corridor has spike balls.
    Go to door at top. The next room has a directional platform. Go thru door at top
    and get key from chest. Go back and take lamp on platform and burn bush at
    right( avoid drips). Go thru locked door. Kill bug generator and bugs and lamps
    drop. Burn bush and drop to boss(finally). The boss is a giant bug. First hit
    its armor off then go for the head. You need to do this several times. Be
    patient and avoid the swinging tail. When defeated, a spirit appears and you get
    the green scroll (that's all I get for all this work?). You end up back in your
    bed in town.


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