Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • nyunyu


    válasz littlemole #12348 üzenetére

    Markers bekezdes, enemy/alive kornyeke van elszurva.
    // Enemy
    "enemy": {
    // Enemy - alive
    "alive": {
    // Enemy - alive - normal mode (without 'Alt')
    "normal": {
    "vehicleIcon": { // "Type of vehicle" icon (HT / MT / LT / TD / Arty)
    "visible": true, // false - Disable
    "showSpeaker": false, // true - Show speaker even if visible=false
    "x": 0, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -16, // Position on the Y axis
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity
    "color": null, // Color (currently not in use)
    "maxScale": 100, // Maximum scale (default is 100)
    "scaleX": 0, // Offset along the X axis (?)
    "scaleY": 16, // Offset along the Y axis (?)
    "shadow": { // Shadow options
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity
    "color": "0x000000", // Color
    "angle": 45, // Offset angle
    "distance": 0, // Offset distance
    "size": 6, // Size
    "strength": 200 // Intensity
    "healthBar": { // Health indicator
    "visible": true, // false - Disable
    "x": -41, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -33, // Position on the Y axis
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity (dynamic transparency allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "color": null, // Primary color (dynamic colors allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "lcolor": null, // Optional color (for the gradient)
    "width": 80, // Width of health bar
    "height": 12, // Height of health bar
    "border": { // Options for substrate and border
    "alpha": 30, // Opacity
    "color": "0x000000", // Color
    "size": 1 // Border size
    "fill": { // Options for remaining health
    "alpha": 30 // Opacity
    }, //
    "damage": { // Options for animation of health loss
    "alpha": 80, // Opacity
    "color": null, // Color
    "fade": 1 // Fade time in seconds
    "damageText": { // Floating damage values
    "visible": true, // false - Disable
    "x": 0, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -67, // Position on the Y axis
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity (dynamic transparency allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "color": null, // Color (dynamic colors allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "font": { // Font options
    "name": "$PartnerCondensed", // Font name
    "size": 18, // Font size
    "align": "center", // Text alignment (left, center, right)
    "bold": false, // Normal (false) or bold (true)
    "italic": false // Normal (false) or italic (true)
    "shadow": { // Shadow options
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity
    "color": "0x000000", // Color
    "angle": 45, // Offset angle
    "distance": 0, // Offset distance
    "size": 6, // Size
    "strength": 200 // Intensity
    "speed": 2, // Rising speed of displayed damage (float up speed)
    "maxRange": 40, // Maximimum distance of target for which damage rises
    "damageMessage": "{{dmg}}", // Text for normal damage (see description of macros in the readme-en.txt)
    "blowupMessage": "Blow-up!" // Text for ammo rack explosion (see description of macros in the readme-en.txt)
    "contourIcon": { // Vehicle icon
    "visible": false, // false - Disable
    "x": 6, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -65, // Position on the Y axis
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity (dynamic transparency allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "color": null, // Color (dynamic colors allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "amount": 0 // Color intensity from 0 to 100. The default is 0 (off).
    "clanIcon": { // Player/clan icon
    "visible": false, // false - Disable
    "x": 0, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -67, // Position on the Y axis
    "w": 16, // Width
    "h": 16, // Height
    "alpha": 100 // Opacity (dynamic transparency allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "levelIcon": { // Vehicle tier
    "visible": false, // false - Disable
    "x": 0, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -21, // Position on the Y axis
    "alpha": 100 // Opacity
    "actionMarker": { // Markers "Help!" and "Attack!"
    "visible": true, // false - Disable
    "x": 0, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -67, // Position on the Y axis
    "alpha": 100 // Opacity
    // Block of text fields
    "textFields": [
    // Text field with the name of the tank
    "visible": true, // false - Disable
    "x": 0, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -36, // Position on the Y axis
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity (dynamic transparency allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "color": null, // Color (dynamic colors allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "font": { // Font options
    "name": "$FieldFont", // Font name
    "size": 13, // Font size
    "align": "center", // Text alignment (left, center, right)
    "bold": false, // Normal (false) or bold (true)
    "italic": false // Normal (false) or italic (true)
    "shadow": { // Shadow options
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity
    "color": "0x000000", // Color
    "angle": 45, // Offset angle
    "distance": 0, // Offset distance
    "size": 6, // Size
    "strength": 200 // Intensity
    "format": "{{vehicle}}{{turret}} <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn}}'>{{wn}}</font>" // Text format (see description of macros in the readme-en.txt)
    // Text field with the remaining / maximum health
    "visible": true, // false - Disable
    "x": 0, // Position on the X axis
    "y": -20, // Position on the Y axis
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity (dynamic transparency allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "color": "0xFFFFFF", // Color (dynamic colors allowed, see readme-en.txt)
    "font": { // Font options
    "name": "$FieldFont", // Font name
    "size": 11, // Font size
    "align": "center", // Text alignment (left, center, right)
    "bold": true, // Normal (false) or bold (true)
    "italic": false // Normal (false) or italic (true)
    "shadow": { // Shadow options
    "alpha": 100, // Opacity
    "color": "0x000000", // Color
    "angle": 45, // Offset angle
    "distance": 0, // Offset distance
    "size": 4, // Size
    "strength": 100 // Intensity
    "format": "{{hp}} / {{hp-max}}" // Text format (see description of macros in the readme-en.txt)

    Valoszinuleg valamelyik mezo szinezese nem null-ra van allitva nalad.
    Null eseten a colors/system bekezdesben beallithato enemy_alive szinnel irja ki oket. (amilyen a tank korvonala, minimap ikonja...)

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Hello IT! Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák