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    válasz sebgutkopf #54784 üzenetére

    "Asus monitor esetében, amikor a win kikapcsolja a kijelzőt energiatakarékossági okból, majd amikor újra aktív leszek és visszakapcsolja a monitort, akkor az éppen nyitva lévő ablakok, programok nem maradnak a legutóbbi helyükön és méretükben, hanem kisebbek lesznek és a kép bal felső sarkában tömörülnek.
    Annak nem látom jelét, hogy a monitor ezen folyamat alatt felbontást váltana, visszakapcsoláskor kiírja, hogy mini display port visszakapcsol, a felbontás és frissítési értékek rendben

    Windows 7 moves/resizes windows on monitor power cycle

    "I have found a work-around.
    Using Sysinternals ProcessMonitor I found that Windows was accessing the following Registry path;


    My system had three entries;


    Under each is a tree called "00" two of the keys are


    Under "00" was another branch also called "00" two of the keys are;


    The first two of the configs (ie DELF00... & QHD3...) the above keys were 1440x900,
    so they were not involved.

    The third (SIMULATED...) were set to 1024x768.

    I changed these to 1600x900 and the problem was solved.

    Further I changed resolution (via control panel) to 1920x1080, the moving/resize issue returned,
    but the lower right corner was set to 1600x900, ie the SIMULATED... settings.

    So for some reason one of the configs does not get set correctly.

    I don't know why there are three configs, I have only ever used one monitor.

    Hope this helps someone out there... "

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