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  • Brogyi

    senior tag

    válasz Scobbyka #462 üzenetére

    3 actual users on the system, each one has his own home dir, his own rtorrent and his
    own rutorrent directory storing all its files.

    I set 3 different rpc mounts (\RPC1, \RPC2 and \RPC3) in Apache all set as "private"
    and linked to the 3 rtorrents. With wTorrent all worked fine, i set 3 virtual servers
    each one pointing to one user's rtorrent.

    Now i tried ruTorrent but i encountered a weird problem: if i use the RPC plugin, i
    get no authentication required whatsoever to enter the web interface (and this is
    bad!) but if i don't use it, doesn't matter which scgi_port i set in the config.php,
    i always get linked to the rTorrent mounted in \RPC2!!

    I'll try to be even more specific.

    Let's say i have this 3 virtual servers:

    localhost:81 for user A
    localhost:82 for user B
    localhost:83 for user C

    and 3 RPC mounts:

    \RPC1 for user A bound to
    \RPC2 for user B bound to
    \RPC3 for user C bound to
    edit rs.js with the rpc mount
    Ez angol, de ertheto, es mukodik. Sajnos meg nem probaltam mivel kezdo vagyok.Elakadtam az apache private bulinal.Mielott kotoszkodnetek a kulcs EDIT RS.JS

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