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  • joey04


    válasz istnag #166 üzenetére

    Ha végigköveted a linkeket, akkor én is ebből mondom, hogy nem jobb. De az ottani kommentelők között is megoszlik a dolog:

    Don't be a blind fanboy. Compare the whites and blacks, then greens, reds and blues with IPS LCD or SLCD (No AMOLEDs, since they're oversaturated, and it's a different tech/league). You'll see that Sony's display is lacking behind, either having yellow-ish on whites, grey-ish on blacks, or washed out colours on reds, greens and blues.

    Can you people really not tell how awful the Ultra Z display is? The colors and contrast are completely off and the black levels are still terrible. It looks like an old VHS tape and not a clean and vibrant and organic display like the HTC's. All of Sony's displays share the same flaws. The Ultra Z seems to have less of them, but it is still part of the family. As a potential Sony consumer, it still pains me that they are literally blind to this and still refuse to use a third party display or some other LCD product line of theirs that isn't so absolutely and conspicuously shitty. Sony fanboys will say its the most beautiful thing in the world of course. Sony could release a phone that creates brain tumors and they will say its innovative.

    És egyik sem az amoledhez méri. Mert az más technológia teljesen. Van aki isteníti, lásd előző komment, van aki meg gyűlöli. Én pl inkább a Z kijelzőjét kérném, hiába nagyon gyenge, de az amolednél számomra már az is jobb.

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