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  • SityiSXT


    válasz dino_m #205 üzenetére

    "Nem azért fizettem az AC-ért hogy mod cuccokkal játszak."

    Egyetértek a kollégával. Hányszor a lett a PCarsosok orra alá dörgölve, hogy mindegyik pálya laserscan. Csak ha elfogynak, akkor jönnek a modok, amikkel az AC esetében sokkal több a meló, mint a jól megszokott rFactorban. Emiatt persze a minőség erősen hullámzó, és mivel a laserscan minőséget egyetlen mod pálya sem tudja, az AC ezt az aduját elveszíti. Hasonló megállapítás érvényes az autókra is - a mod autók érzésre, és nem gyári paraméterek alapján vannak beállítva.
    Érdekesség, nemrég olvastam (nem tudom, mennyire igaz):

    "In fact, you compared pCARS GT3 cars to Assetto Corsa GT3 cars. Well, I've also done quite a few comparisons with them. First of all, many aspects of the setups for the GT3 cars in AC are either suspicious or pure fantasy. For example the gear ratios of the Z4 GT3 and the MP4-12C GT3 are absolutely nothing like the real ones (I have found the official homologation documents listing the allowed gear ratios for those cars), they're much much shorter at the start and make the car more twitchy in the lower gears as a result, and in fact in AC you can't even get the real gear ratios, they simply don't have anywhere near the correct options to achieve it. And setting them as close as they will go makes the AC GT3 cars behave a lot more similarly with pCARS GT3 cars. There are also many other differences in the setups between AC and pCARS, and when setting up pCARS like the same car in AC was it was actually a lot more difficult to drive in pCARS, much more eager to spin and felt li
    ke it had less grip overall. You can make the cars safer in pCARS and we have made many of them like that to help novice drivers (sim professionals are free to make the setups more dangerous...), and based on my experience in both games I'd say that with a setup that's made to be fast, pCARS is more difficult than AC in many aspects, at least with GT3 cars.

    On that note, AC has a lot of issues when it comes to realism. On many tracks you can brake almost 50 meters later than real life GT3 cars can, which you can't in pCARS. Some of their setup values are just plain wrong, like the gearings of the GT3 cars, the springs and dampers on the Zonda R (in AC it has a full on racing car stiff suspension, something the real car doesn't have), and the whole suspension of the BMW 1M Coupe (springs, dampers, alignments, all are completely wrong compared to the real car, they just made the 1M into a "mini M3", which it isn't). I'm not saying AC is all bad, but it is NOT the gold standard of accuracy, and in many cases it is just blatantly and obviously wrong. Please, when possible, try to compare to real life data rather than other sims."

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