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  • Gorneck


    válasz emre33 #58 üzenetére


    Gigabyte, now Gigabyte United, is apparently here to contend in the High End motherboard arena, and they are doing so loud and clear. Gigabyte sports twin 6 phase voltage regulators (12 phases in all) using Solid State Capacitors instead of Electrolyte (as seen in many other manufacturers).

    Quad-Triple Phase
    An exclusive feature found only on GIGABYTE motherboards, this unique design incorporates Virtual 12 Power Phases to deliver steadier power and immediate current to the CPU and memory during heavy system workloads or overclocking. Additionally, Quad Triple Phase helps decrease the working temperatures, enhancing system stability and increasing component lifespan.

    A good case in point: the "Quad triple phase"... the board uses an Intersil ISL6327 PWM controller when I last had a look. This is a 6-phase device, which means that the board doesn't use a true 12-phase design as the marketing might cause the average Joe to believe (how many average Joes read the fine print and pay attention to the word "virtual" in "Virtual 12 Power Phases"?) but instead uses a 6-phase power design with twice the number of MOSFETs.... why not just call it 6-phase power, which is already impressive (and accurate)? If the purpose of having a whole 24 MOSFETs in the design was to lower the current flow through each MOSFET to lower power dissipation, why not just use uprated MOSFETs? 120A MOSFETs cost only about 35% more than the 56A ones used on the DQ6; so it'd be cheaper AND you get to save valuable PCB real-estate for other uses like better ground around the power islands, better-optimised routing, more fan headers and so on. But you see, staying at "6-phase" and calling it that isn't strong enough marketing: you need hyperbole, and by having '12' phases you get to add one more to the silly list of "Quads" as a "Quad Triple Phase". And since 12 is way way bigger than 6, you have an excuse to charge way way more for the board than you otherwise could.


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