Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • nubreed


    Kijöttek a leírások az Event balance -okhoz, meg van említve többek közt a Campfire Tales, Radiation Rumble, Tea Time.

    Campfire Tales: The campfire was previously dying down too quickly, which could cause the event to fail too easily. The campfire will now last a little longer, giving you and your event mates some more time to feed its flames.

    **Free Range: The Brahmin during this event were too fragile, so we’ve beefed up their resistances to help them survive more easily (though they will still need you to defend them).

    Line in the Sand: This event was taking a bit too long to come to an end. We’ve shortened the event’s overall time limit to 10 minutes, and reduced some enemy wave timers and the preparation phase timer accordingly.

    Project Paradise: To help reduce the difficulty of Project Paradise, we’re lowering the amount of food required to 15 per rank. We’re also adding some more resistances to the friendly creatures that spawn during the event.

    Radiation Rumble: To encourage more players to participate in the ore collection objective, we’re lowering the requirements to 5, 15, 30, and 50 ore for reward tiers one through four, respectively. The event no longer ends immediately when you reach the final collection tier, so you can continue to defend against enemy waves until the now 8-minute event timer expires. Finally, we’ve doubled the Scavengers’ resistances to make them more survivable.

    Swarm of Suitors: We’ve addressed a number of bugs that could prevent players from receiving the highest tier of rewards and from successfully completing the event. We’ve also made some design adjustments to help smooth out the experience while playing through Swarm of Suitors. Mirelurk attack waves now each have two timers: an initial timer and a “last chance” timer. Players must kill all enemies in a wave before the last chance timer expires, or the Mirelurk Queen will spawn, resulting in event failure.

    Tea Time: While we did not feel that Tea Time was overly difficult, it could end in failure too quickly at times. As a result, we’ve increased the health for two of the three pipes so that they match the sturdiest one. Additionally, Rad Ants and Ticks can no longer spawn during the event, and we’ve slightly increased the enemy spawn rate to keep up the action.

    Én eddig sem tartottam különösen nehéznek egyiket sem, sosem futottam failed -re (lehet, hogy csak mindig jó csapattal voltam és szerencsém volt, nem tudom) de most elég sokat könnyítettek ezeken így elnézve a leírást. Szerintem így túl könnyűek lesznek már, nem tudom miért kell a habzó szájú vérpistikékre hallgatni, akik biztos döngették a mellüket, hogy túl nehéz a játék vagy az eventek. A Tea Time könnyítést különösen nem értem, a Path to Enlightment event után szerintem ez a másik legkönnyebb.

    Aztán a 4 star legendaryk közül eddig egyik sem hozott lázba, ennél jobban is megerőltethette volna magát a Bethesda.

    We are the first of cyber evolution. We are the first to program your future.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák