Aktív témák

  • radi8tor


    EU szerver leállt az RMAH bevezetése miatt.

    Másik hír:

    Game creation limit

    We've recently added a limit to the number of games a player can create within a certain amount of time. Players who hit this limit will see the error: "Input limit reached. Please wait to perform more actions." After receiving this error, you will need to wait approximately 10 to 15 minutes before creating any additional games.

    This change was made to help reduce server strain and improve overall game stability, and we'll continue to monitor the situation and make additional improvements as necessary. We're currently working to find a solution that allows most players who are playing normally to create games without encountering this error, but will still limit some of the more extreme cases of rapid game creation. We appreciate your patience as we make these adjustments.

    Magyarán mondva: ha sokat kilépsz, mert valami ritka cuccost farmolsz, akkor könnyen "Input limit reached. Please wait to perform more actions." hibaüzenetet kaphatsz. Ilyenkor csak 10-15 perc múlva léphetsz be újból a játékba. :W

    Még jó, hogy épp a glibbering gemstone-t keresem.

    ⭐ Stella

Aktív témák