
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • nyunyu


    válasz zodo #119262 üzenetére

    Hangár óra már jóideje van az XVMben, hangar/clock alatt tudod paraméterezni:
    "clock": {
    // Show clock in hangar.
    "enabled": true,
    // Horizontal position.
    "x": -10,
    // Vertical position.
    "y": 28,
    // Width.
    "width": 300,
    // Height.
    "height": 60,
    // true - place at top of other windows, false - at bottom.
    "topmost": true,
    // Horizontal alignment of field at screen ("left", "center", "right").
    "align": "right",
    // Vertical alignment of field at screen ("top", "center", "bottom").
    "valign": "top",
    // Horizontal alignment of text in field ("left", "center", "right").
    "textAlign": "right",
    // vertical alignment of text in field ("top", "center", "bottom").
    "textVAlign": "center",
    // Transparency in percents [0..100].
    "alpha": 100,
    // Rotation in degrees [0..360].
    "rotation": 0,
    // If set, draw border with specified color ("0xXXXXXX").
    "borderColor": null,
    // If set, draw background with specified color ("0xXXXXXX").
    "bgColor": null,
    // If set, draw image at background.
    // example: "bgImage": "xvm://configs/My/img/my.png",
    "bgImage": null,
    // Anti aliasing mode ("advanced" or "normal").
    "antiAliasType": "advanced",
    // Macros available (case sensitive):
    // {{Y}} - full year (4 digits)
    // {{MMM}} - full month name (January)
    // {{MM}} - short month name (Jan)
    // {{M}} - month number (1-12)
    // {{D}} - day number (1-31)
    // {{WW}} - full weekday name (Monday)
    // {{W}} - short weekday name (Mon)
    // {{h}} - hour
    // {{m}} - minute
    // {{s}} - second
    // {{H}} - hour in 12-hour format
    // {{AM|PM}} - AM/PM
    // Macros formatting allowed, for example: {{AM?a.m.|p.m.}}
    // Clock format.
    "format": "<textformat tabstops='[80]' leading='-39'><font face='$FieldFont'><font size='15'>{{D%02d}} {{MM}} {{Y}}<tab><font size='36'>{{h%02d}}:{{m%02d}}</font>\n<textformat rightMargin='87'>{{WW}}</font></textformat></textformat>",
    // Shadow.
    "shadow": {
    // false - no shadow.
    "enabled": true,
    "distance": 0, // (in pixels)
    "angle": 0, // (0.0 .. 360.0)
    "color": "0x000000", // "0xXXXXXX"
    "alpha": 70, // (0 .. 100)
    "blur": 4, // (0.0 .. 255.0)
    "strength": 2 // (0.0 .. 255.0)

    Ha újkori konfigod van, akkor a clock.xc-be kerül, és nem kell a végére a vessző.

    Itt láthatod, hogy néz ki.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Hello IT! Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák