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    válasz attiati #5585 üzenetére

    Na jo de ha ma nem emel es ezek utan marad az eros gazdasag akkor utana kemenyebben kene emelni, ha meg ma megis emel akkor a soft landing elmeletet kockaztatja.
    Amugy mit gondoltok lesz ma 25 bazispontos emeles vagy nem?
    Szerintem nem merik bekockaztatni, pedig lehet hogy be kene...

    "Ez nem változtat azon, hogy tisztességtelen dolog botokkal felvásárolni 160-180e indulóáron a 3060 Ti-t, aztán 250e-ért árulni a HA-n." Ez miért lenne tisztességtelen? Te is meg bárki lesheti botokkal a boltokat, ugyanúgy meg tudod venni a cuccot azon az áron, mint a scalper.(1 házigazda válasz...)

  • j0k3r!

    senior tag

    válasz attiati #5585 üzenetére

    "Nincs ok kételkedni a FED céljában: soft landing.
    Figyelni kell, hogy mikor változik ez a kommunikációjukban."

    Soha nem fogják kimondani, hogy szándékosan recessziót akarnak csinálni és embereket az utcára küldeni, főleg nem egy választási évben. Múltkor ezt mondta:

    HOWARD SCHNEIDER. So just to, to boil that down for a second—you know, we’ve gone from a very narrow path to a—to a soft landing to something different. Would you call the soft landing now a baseline expectation?
    CHAIR POWELL. No, no—I would not do that. I, I would just say—what, what would I say about that? I’ve always thought that the soft landing was, was a plausible outcome—that there was a path, really, to, to a soft landing. I’ve thought that, and I’ve said that since we lifted off. It’s also possible that, that the path has narrowed, and it’s widened, apparently. Ultimately, it—this may be decided by factors that are outside our control at the end of the day. But I do think it’s—I do think it’s possible. And, you know—I also think, you know, this is why we’re in a position to, to move carefully again. That—we, we will restore price stability. We, we know that we have to do that, and we know the public depends on us doing that, and we know that we have to do it so that we can achieve the kind of labor market that we all want to achieve, which is an extended period—sustained period of strong labor market conditions that benefit all. We know that. The fact that we’ve come this far lets us really proceed carefully, as I keep saying. So I think, you know, that’s, that’s the end we’re trying to achieve. I wouldn’t want to handicap the likelihood of it, though. It’s not up to me to do that.

    Szerintem ennél erősebben nem fog fogalmazni, még ha változik is a véleménye.

    some men just wanna watch the world burn...

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