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  • Diopapa


    válasz Bibgr0 #9351 üzenetére

    "Daily updates - we update the RSI front page every afternoon/evening local time. This usually happens between 3 and 7 PM Pacific Standard Time. These updates go through the relevant production groups so they're as accurate as we can possibly make them when they're launched... they're what you should consider official word from the team.

    Anything you read on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, 4Chan, SomethingAwful, MySpace, chatroll, Ask a Dev, etc. should be taken with a grain of salt. Much of it is either speculation from other backers ("THE SKY IS FALLING CONFIRMED") or it's something coming from one particular Dev who's sharing the best information they can without going through the entire time. (For my part, when I answered someone on Twitter asking if they should go to bed yesterday, I was under the impression that we were very close to release. When that changed, I posted about it.)

    It's not a question of do we update the front page more than daily. That isn't likely to happen - the process of getting the information vetted across studios around the world means that a post starts when I get to work and goes out once we're happy with it. It's a question of whether we let Devs interact with everyone... and to my mind, it's more valuable to do that, to encourage an open dialogue, then it is to set up a cone of silence where all you ever get from us is the daily update. (And in that scenario you'd still get all the SKY IS FALLING folks anyway.)

    For those asking: last night's bug update lacks the blocker list because there were no known blockers with the build when it went out. If we discover some today, you'll hear what they are... if we don't, you'll hear that, too."

    Citizen Diopapa / Commander Diopapa "SC csomag olyan, mint a barackfa, unokáidnak veszed - .tnm / De pálinkát nemlehet főzni belűle - *SkyS1gn"

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