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  • Clyde22_


    Van egy haverom, akinek a gépében minden cucc vízhütéses, neki is elöjött ez a seekelés szerü ''zaj''. Kiderült, hogy a wincsi az, visszavitték, de a boltban simán elnyomta a külvilág zaja. Keresgéltek a NETen, ezt találták:

    ''Here's the reply I got when I asked Seagate about this noise:

    The sound is normal. The drive performs some background scan routines while the drive is idle. When the drive is initially installed, it completes several complete scans of the media to detect any possible damage caused by the shipping process. During the first few days or weeks, depending on amount of idle time, you may hear the drive seeking while performing scans. After the initial scan series, the sound should become much less frequent. These scans are performed all during the life of the drive, but much less frequently after the first series. The purpose of scanning the media during idle times is to continuously monitor the media for possible bad sectors to eliminate them before they can cause problems. The scan is performed only during idle time and any command to the drive is not delayed because of the scan routine.

    Ron S.
    Seagate Technical Support

    http://forums.storagereview.net/viewtopic.php?t=2193&highlight=barracuda ''

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