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    válasz ProEvoFan #154 üzenetére

    Ne. Kérlek ne *.hu.
    Megtaláltam Kotakun is, csak ott már updatelték, míg a hazai szenzációhajhász és nem jól fordító újságírás erre nem képes (talán csak a ph és hwsw mérvadó):

    Update: Sounds like things are a mess over at Microsoft. Now they're telling Polygon that Harrison's comments illustrate a "potential scenario."

    "While Phil [Harrison] discussed many potential scenarios around games on Xbox One, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail," a Microsoft rep said. "There have been reports of a specific time period — those were discussions of potential scenarios, but we have not confirmed any details today, nor will we be."

    from r in rings where r.Owner == "Sauron" select r

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