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  • Fitzgerald


    válasz mettek #95 üzenetére

    Valószínűleg ebből lett összerakva:

    "Despite the deluge of new information unveiled at E3 2018, we still have no Cyberpunk 2077 release date. However, In December 2016, CD Projekt Red was given sizeable funding from the Polish government to research new game techniques that have been dubbed ‘seamless multiplayer’, ‘animation excellence’, ‘cinematic feel’, and ‘city creation’. The grant comes with a deadline, by which time the projects must be completed. Assuming they’re for Cyberpunk (they totally are), there has to be a Cyberpunk 2077 release date in June 2019.

    This target matches with CD Projekt Red’s claims that they are targeting current-generation consoles for the game; the PS4 is rumoured to be due a replacement in 2020."

    Szerintem is 2020 lesz belőle egyébként, a paper/pen játék miatt. Év elejére tippelek.

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák