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  • Raymond


    válasz hackeeeee #25028 üzenetére

    A YT video kommentjeibol (csak az egyik ujabb, hosszabb, tobbszor is le van ott azert irva):

    "Hey Jay, the answer as to why is actually quite simple. I deal with this a LOT when designing and building RC racing drones and flight controller to ESC to motor power delivery systems for them. It solely has to do with the resistance of the cable that that current & voltage run down. Use your multimeter and go measure the voltage at the GPU END (this is key) of the cables. The dedicated cables will give you a higher value because V=IR is ALL you need to know as to why dedicated cables outperform a shared cable. I'll let you run your own math on this one. ;)"

    Rendes hutes mellett (ami a kertadon is van) ha megnezed mi lesz a vege mondjuk GPU-Z-ban akkor ott a PerfCap reason VRel lesz es ket kabel eseten ez a tenyezo alacsonyabb, nem fogja vissza annyira.

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák