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  • #94529552

    törölt tag

    válasz Osynho #29363 üzenetére

    Őt óvtam csak, a parttalan vitától, engem nem hat meg az állandó fikázásotok. Olvasnivaló:
    Sony W8 exists in four variants called W805B, W815B, W828B, W829B. The +50” TVs uses active 3D.

    This year’s W8 uses active 3D technology that requires expensive shutter glasses with batteries. The 3D glasses are bundled. Despite utilizing active 3D, which usually means full 3D resolution, W8 throws away some picture information, effectively reducing 3D resolution. The reasons is unclear, but is probably related to picture processing. It effectively means that you are not getting a Full HD 3D pictures. Samsung did a similar thing with one of their 6 series TVs a few years back.

    So, 3D performance is not very good. You have to wear expensive, flickering glasses without actually enjoying a better 3D picture than what the cheap polarized 3D glasses can offer on TVs with passive 3D technology - such as some of Sony’s other 2014 TVs. If you still care about 3D, do not buy the W8. We also spotted some light crosstalk, and it is clear that TV makers just do not care much about improving 3D any longer.
    However, 3D picture quality is not great - if you still care.

    nismoka, az aktívnak mi a hátránya? Az elfelejtődik mindig? Ez hogy lehet? Kimarad? Aki kimarad lemarad.
    Akinek mindkettő van? Vicces! Mind a négynek van mindkettő? Ajjajj, inkább ne vetíts!

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