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  • b4lukapitany



    https://t.17track.net/hu#nums=CH162100620DE December 16-i EU-s rendelésem állapota még mindig ez.
    Ticketet 2-án nyitottam, ilyesmiket írogatnak:
    Január 3.:
    "We will start a claim for the package with the carrier and the carrier will trace your package from their end.
    We will take further action for you when we have the result."

    Január 12:
    "Dear Balazs,

    Thank you for your feedback.
    I want to offer my sincerest apologies to you for the issue.
    As for this issue, please rest assured that we are looking into this for you.
    We regret that we are still waiting for the checking result from the shipping carrier.
    Please rest assured that we will inform you once we get the reply from the shipping carrier.
    To be honest, we sincerely hope you can receive your order or we undertake the great loss, which technically, shipping company is actually responsible for this delivery.
    Thank you for your continued patience and kind support."

    100 euros tabletről van szó. Gearbestnek fizettem simán kártyával. Járt már valaki hasonlóan? Nem nagyon tudom mit tehetek ilyen esetben. Eddig a kisebb tételek gond nélkül megjöttek eu-n kívülről.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák