

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • gyorgyi84


    válasz arn #4537 üzenetére


    10 further improvements coming soon via a planned firmware update*** [ELECTORNIC SHUTTER: This functionality will be installed via a firmware update planned for December, 2014, for both the X-T1 Black and the X-T1 Graphite Silver Edition.]

    (1) Direct selection of AF Area
    The update will let users select the focus area using the 4-way controller, without pressing the Fn key.
    (2) Unlocked AE-L/AF-L buttons
    The function of the AE-L/AF-L button is currently locked, but will be interchangeable, depending on the user’s preference.
    (3) Variable Focus Area during MF
    When working in Manual focus mode, the update will enable changing the size of the focus area during Instant AF with the AF-L button.
    (4) Direct selection of Macro mode
    In Autofocus mode, the update will enable the Macro function to be turned on or off, without accessing the pop-up menu screen.
    (5) Q Menu customization
    To make the Q Menu (used for quick access of frequently-used items) even more efficient, the update will allow its items and layout to be changed to the user’s preference.
    (6) New video frame rates
    As well as the existing 60fps and 30fps selections, 50fps, 25fps and 24fps options will be available with the update. 50fps and 25fps allow video editing in the PAL regions, such as Europe, without converting the frame rate. 24fps offers a cinema-like view.
    (7) Manual shooting in Video mode
    The update will enable ISO sensitivity selection prior to shooting videos, as well as the ability to adjust aperture and shutter speed during movie recording.
    (8) Phase Detection AF support for Instant AF
    In Instant AF mode, which is operated by pressing the AF-L button during manual focusing, the update will enable Phase Detection AF, providing faster focusing speeds.
    (9) Interlocking of Metering and Focus areas
    Users will be able to interlock the AF area position with the Metering area when Spot Metering mode is selected.
    (10) Expansion of shutter speed in Program Shift mode
    In the current Program Shift mode, the slowest-speed setting is 1/4sec, but this will increase to a maximum of 4secs.

  • Studi


    válasz arn #4537 üzenetére

    Ez a technobuzulás rákfenéje, ebbe a csapdába én is mindig beleesek. 4/3-ra is addig-addig mondtam, hogy jó nekem az E-30 + 14-54 + 50-200, hogy végül csak lecseréltem E-5 + 12-60 + 50-200SWD-re. :DDD
    M43-ban ugyanez, most azt mondom, hogy a legjobbabb nekem a GX7, de csak bennem van a kisördög, hogy miben más az E-M10. Hát még ha kijön egy E-M5 utód... :)
    És részemről ez még nagy adag tárgyfétissel is fűszerezve van, amit megvettem azt már rohadt nehezen adom el. :) Kivéve persze ha direkt eladásra vettem. :)

  • Parci


    válasz arn #4537 üzenetére

    nekem azért ez erősen a magát padlóra ledobó, toporzékoló gyerek esete... inkább örülj neki, bakker! most azért vetted, mert ezt-azt akarsz érezni, vagy azért, mert állatira tetszik és fotózni szeretnél vele?

    dicranum scoparium + genista pilosa = :)

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák