
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • MaCS_70


    válasz Mr Dini #1644 üzenetére

    Megvolt, lement egy rakás panasszal, done.
    A végeredmény sajnos változatlan.

    fetch: (cd '/ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3'; wget -Nnv '')
    2018-04-01 15:58:35 URL: [499732/499732] -> "x265-2.4-arm-1.txz" [1]
    /ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3/x265-2.4-arm-1.txz: OK

    /ffp/bin/funpkg -i /ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3/x265-2.4-arm-1.txz

    Scanning /ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3/x265-2.4-arm-1.txz ...
    # x265 is a H.265 / HEVC video encoder application library, designed to encode video or images into
    # an H.265 / HEVC encoded bitstream.
    # License: GPLv2
    # Version: 2.4
    # Homepage:
    Installing x265-2.4-arm-1

    Searching for *.new files: /ffp/etc /ffp/start
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/start/ start
    Starting minidlna.../i-data/48938269/.PKG/ffp/ffproot/ffp/bin/minidlna: can't load library ''
    [ Fail!!! ] ERROR WARNING: minidlna can not start!!!
    root@NAS326:~# fetch: (cd '/ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3'; wget -Nnv '')
    -sh: syntax error near unexpected token `cd'
    root@NAS326:~# 2018-04-01 15:58:35 URL: [499732/499732] -> "x265-2.4-arm-1.txz" [1]
    -sh: 2018-04-01: command not found
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3/x265-2.4-arm-1.txz: OK
    Starting minidlna.../i-data/48938269/.PKG/ffp/ffproot/ffp/bin/minidlna: can't load library ''
    [ Fail!!! ] ERROR WARNING: minidlna can not start!!!
    -sh: /ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3/x265-2.4-arm-1.txz:: No such file or directory
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/bin/funpkg -i /ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3/x265-2.4-arm-1.txz
    Skipping /ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3/x265-2.4-arm-1.txz: Already installed
    root@NAS326:~# Scanning /ffp/funpkg/cache/br2/ffmpeg3/x265-2.4-arm-1.txz ...
    -sh: Scanning: command not found
    root@NAS326:~# #
    root@NAS326:~# # x265 is a H.265 / HEVC video encoder application library, designed to encode video or images into
    root@NAS326:~# # an H.265 / HEVC encoded bitstream.
    root@NAS326:~# # License: GPLv2
    root@NAS326:~# # Version: 2.4
    root@NAS326:~# # Homepage:
    root@NAS326:~# #
    root@NAS326:~# Installing x265-2.4-arm-1
    -sh: Installing: command not found
    root@NAS326:~# Searching for *.new files: /ffp/etc /ffp/start
    -sh: Searching: command not found
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/etc/
    -sh: /ffp/etc/ Permission denied
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/etc/ssl/misc/
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/etc/ssl/misc/
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/etc/ssl/misc/
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/etc/ssl/misc/
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/etc/ssl/misc/
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/etc/ssl/
    -sh: /ffp/etc/ssl/ Permission denied
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/etc/examples/
    -sh: /ffp/etc/examples/ Permission denied
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/start/
    -sh: /ffp/start/ Permission denied
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/start/
    -sh: /ffp/start/ Permission denied
    root@NAS326:~# /ffp/start/
    -sh: /ffp/start/ Permission denied
    root@NAS326:~# Done.
    -sh: Done.: command not found
    root@NAS326:~# root@NAS326:~# /ffp/start/ start
    -sh: root@NAS326:~#: command not found
    root@NAS326:~# Starting minidlna.../i-data/48938269/.PKG/ffp/ffproot/ffp/bin/minidlna: can't load library ''
    > [ Fail!!! ] ERROR WARNING: minidlna can not start!!!


    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Fán nem lehet motorozni, motoron viszont lehet fázni!

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák