

Aktív témák

  • scorpy02

    aktív tag

    válasz Torry #30448 üzenetére


    Europe | Royal Mail | 3 to 5 business days | £2.95 per order

    Viszont ezt még csak most olvasom. Úgyhogy sztornó. :(((

    Please Note:

    * Delivery lead times shown are approximate and are not guaranteed.
    * Every effort will be made for all orders for "immediately" available items received at Gamestation prior to 2.00pm (Mon - Fri) to be shipped that day. This applies to products which are currently available in our distribution centre.

    * We are unable to ship orders outside of the UK over 1000g which would include all hardware orders.
    * International customers please be aware that we will be unable to refund any postage and packing costs incurred in returning a product to us under our 28 Day Returns policy.
    * Standard VAT is charged, where applicable, on all orders shipped. You are responsible for claiming back any VAT that you feel is due to you from your local tax or customs office.

Aktív témák