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  • Intruder2k5


    válasz Mr Dini #7018 üzenetére

    Nem használok transmission-t, nem sokat tudok róla, de a helpet kikértem.

    root@INT-ROUTER:/tmp/home/root# transmission-daemon --help
    Transmission 2.84 (14307) http://www.transmissionbt.com/
    A fast and easy BitTorrent client

    transmission-daemon is a headless Transmission session
    that can be controlled via transmission-remote
    or the web interface.

    Usage: transmission-daemon [options]

    -h --help Display this help page and exit
    -a --allowed <list> Allowed IP addresses. (Default:
    -b --blocklist Enable peer blocklists
    -B --no-blocklist Disable peer blocklists
    -c --watch-dir <directory> Where to watch for new .torrent files
    -C --no-watch-dir Disable the watch-dir
    --incomplete-dir <directory> Where to store new torrents until
    they're complete
    --no-incomplete-dir Don't store incomplete torrents in a
    different location
    -d --dump-settings Dump the settings and exit
    -e --logfile <filename> Dump the log messages to this filename
    -f --foreground Run in the foreground instead of
    -g --config-dir <path> Where to look for configuration files
    -p --port <port> RPC port (Default: 9091)
    -t --auth Require authentication
    -T --no-auth Don't require authentication
    -u --username <username> Set username for authentication
    -v --password <password> Set password for authentication
    -V --version Show version number and exit
    --log-error Show error messages
    --log-info Show error and info messages
    --log-debug Show error, info, and debug messages
    -w --download-dir <path> Where to save downloaded data
    --paused Pause all torrents on startup
    -o --dht Enable distributed hash tables (DHT)
    -O --no-dht Disable distributed hash tables (DHT)
    -y --lpd Enable local peer discovery (LPD)
    -Y --no-lpd Disable local peer discovery (LPD)
    --utp Enable uTP for peer connections
    --no-utp Disable uTP for peer connections
    -P --peerport <port> Port for incoming peers (Default:
    -m --portmap Enable portmapping via NAT-PMP or UPnP
    -M --no-portmap Disable portmapping
    -L --peerlimit-global <limit> Maximum overall number of peers
    (Default: 200)
    -l --peerlimit-torrent <limit> Maximum number of peers per torrent
    (Default: 50)
    -er --encryption-required Encrypt all peer connections
    -ep --encryption-preferred Prefer encrypted peer connections
    -et --encryption-tolerated Prefer unencrypted peer connections
    -i --bind-address-ipv4 <ipv4 addr> Where to listen for peer connections
    -I --bind-address-ipv6 <ipv6 addr> Where to listen for peer connections
    -r --rpc-bind-address <ipv4 addr> Where to listen for RPC connections
    -gsr --global-seedratio ratio All torrents, unless overridden by a
    per-torrent setting, should seed until
    a specific ratio
    -GSR --no-global-seedratio All torrents, unless overridden by a
    per-torrent setting, should seed
    regardless of ratio
    -x --pid-file <pid-file> Enable PID file

    Van --log-error kapcsolója.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

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