
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Aryes


    válasz schferenc77 #23036 üzenetére

    A userdata/keymaps/remote.xml fájlt kéne szerkesztened! Én így csináltam magamnak például törlés gombot a szövegbevitelhez, felirat ki/be gombot a lejátszáshoz stb.
    Próbáld ki ezt, másold be a .kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml fájlba, módosítottam neked, hogy a stop gomb működjön back-ként, fullscreen video lejátszáskor pedig stop-ként:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- This file contains the mapping of keys (gamepad, remote, and keyboard) to actions within XBMC -->
    <!-- The <global> section is a fall through - they will only be used if the button is not -->
    <!-- used in the current window's section. Note that there is only handling -->
    <!-- for a single action per button at this stage. -->
    <!-- For joystick/gamepad configuration under linux/win32, see below as it differs from xbox -->
    <!-- gamepads. -->

    <!-- The format is: -->
    <!-- <device> -->
    <!-- <button>action</button> -->
    <!-- </device> -->

    <!-- To map keys from other remotes using the RCA protocol, you may add <universalremote> blocks -->
    <!-- In this case, the tags used are <obc#> where # is the original button code (OBC) of the key -->
    <!-- You set it up by adding a <universalremote> block to the window or <global> section: -->
    <!-- <universalremote> -->
    <!-- <obc45>Stop</obc45> -->
    <!-- </universalremote> -->

    <!-- Note that the action can be a built-in function. -->
    <!-- eg <B>ActivateWindow(MyMusic)</B> -->
    <!-- would automatically go to My Music on the press of the B button. -->

    <!-- Joysticks / Gamepads: -->
    <!-- See the sample PS3 controller configuration below for the format. -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Joystick Name: -->
    <!-- Do 'cat /proc/bus/input/devices' or see your xbmc log file to find the names of -->
    <!-- detected joysticks. The name used in the configuration should match the detected name. -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Button Ids: -->
    <!-- 'id' is the button ID used by SDL. Joystick button ids of connected joysticks appear -->
    <!-- in xbmc.log when they are pressed. Use your log to map custom buttons to actions. -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Axis Ids / Analog Controls -->
    <!-- Coming soon. -->

    Remélem működni fog!

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák