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  • HookR


    válasz jFox #71908 üzenetére

    "...meghívnak boldog-boldogtalant, azt hátha lesz olyan hülye aki kiutazik..."
    Nekem úgy tűnik, hogy ez azért még nincs kőbe vésve, hanem lehetőség a selejtezőben való részvételre. Vagy nem jól látom?

    "Applications are open to Local Guides Levels 5+ during the application period.

    Applicants will be selected based on a number of factors including, but not limited to:

    The submission of a complete application includes:

    - A 1-minute video message responding to ONE of the prompts provided.
    - Prompts are: Tell them about your favorite place and what makes it special; What’s one thing you want everyone to know about your community?; or Why are you proud to be a Local Guide?
    - A new post on Connect that describes a cause you care about sharing on Google Maps and why. Whether you’re passionate about finding the world’s best French fries or making the map more eco-friendly, they want to know about it! Post your response using the Local Stories topic.
    - A new list created on Google Maps about any theme, including a title, description, and at least five places."

    ▌www.thunderbolts.info | youtube.com/ThunderboltsProject ▌16personalities.com▐

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