

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Narxis


    válasz Fire/SOUL/CD #6745 üzenetére

    Elnézést, tisztáznom kellett volna, hogy Melih postjának mrely részére reagáltam, ez lenne az:

    We have always put our money where our mouth is and provided top notch security for our end users for free! We relied on the strength of our product and our end users to spread the word about Comodo. AV-comparatives.org is a disservice to end users because they try very hard to cover the fact that they get big $$ from antivirus vendors and provide misleading information about the role of “detection” in overall desktop protection.

    I was hoping AV-Comparatives.org would change their ways and start providing valuable information to end users, they chose not to progress with time, they chose to stick to 1980s style of testing while ignoring the latest advancements in technology. Inability to inform end users of the latest protection capabilities in antivirus products and its performance while still “pushing” old style “dead malware” tests is simply misleading and disservice to end users.

    I sincerely do hope that this is a wake up call to AV-Comparatives that they have to start providing “relevant” and valuable information to the public and be honest and open about their capabilities (what they can test and more importantly what they can’t test in a product) and their financial relationship with Antivirus companies. Luckily there are many hard working, honest testing organisations who are transparent to the public who do provide value both to Anti Virus vendors and public and we will continue to work with them in order to continue to bring top notch security for our end users.

    Az, hogy hajba kaptak és erről bemásolja az e-maileket nagyon gyerekes vitának tűnik amiben kívülállóként nem akarok reagálni, valószínűldeg ebben mindkét oldal sáros.

    Azt viszont, hogy az AV-C elavult módszerekkel tesztelne vagy pedig nem lenne független, nem akarom elhinni, főleg, hogy más gyártók nem szólaltak fel ebben a témában. Furcsa egyébként, hogy az MRG után lassan mindenkivel hajba kap Melih, mindent és mindenkit kritizál.

    Thanos was right.

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