
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Fandango


    Friss ropogós!

    madVR v0.92.5 released



    * added new algorithm "reduce compression artifacts"
    * added new algorithm "reduce random noise"
    * added file name tag and keyboard shortcut support for new algorithms
    * switched to igv's AdaptiveSharpen variant
    * custom mode optimization is now available for modes not created with madVR
    * fixed: mode optimization didn't work for Nvidia (introduced in v0.92.4)
    * fixed: ProgDVB: DXVA deinterlacing didn't activate after channel switch
    * fixed: potential freeze when freeing madVR instance
    * fixed: playback trouble after switching video files (introduced in v0.92)
    * fixed: screenshot memory leak


    1) Please test the new algorithms and let me know what you think!

    2) The block and mosquito noise reduction is actually *one* algorithm named "reduce compression artifacts", not two separate algorithms. The other new algorithm is "reduce random noise".

    3) Currently the new algos are only available in one quality/speed variant. I might offer different quality/speed settings in the future. I'm not talking about the algorithm "strength", which is a totally different thing. I'm talking about the speed of the algorithm, and the resulting quality of the noise/artifact reduction.

    4) Currently chroma noise/artifact reduction is very slow because I'm doing it in luma resolution. In a future version I'll do it on the original chroma data instead which should reduce the chroma processing hit to a quarter of the current cost for 4:2:0 content.

    5) Random noise reduction is currently limited to max 5 strength. In a future version it will probably go up to 10.

    6) The higher "reduce compression artifacts" strength settings will totally destroy your images, so DON'T use them. You've been warned! They're there only for videos which are borked beyond good and evil. My advice is to keep this algo disabled by default, or at lowest settings and only increase the strength if really necessary. You can use file name tags (e.g. "some video deblock=5.mkv") to force a specific deblock setting for a specific file.

    7) Please compare the new AdaptiveSharpen version (it's igv's variant) to the original AdaptiveSharpen algorithm. On a quick check I liked igv's variant better, but I'd like your feedback on that.

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