Aktív témák

  • Timyyy


    The Type 62 VII tier Light Tank will definitely be released on the Chinese server. We are still taking into consideration its introduction to other game servers.

    Szóval még nem biztos, hogy kimaradunk a mókából.... lehet, hogy hozzánk is jön a type 62 T7 light-nak.

    As you might know, the T34 will be replaced by the M103 and moved to Premium Tanks. Players will be able to purchase the T34 and any other premium vehicles in the in-game store. In addition, the T34 will be moved to tier VIII. We are still working on the game balance. Other new American vehicles are also being balanced. There is a high chance that they will end up on the same battle level as their predecessors, T30 and T34.

    Tehát megvehető lesz mégiscsak. Részletesebben a köv. idézetben:

    It looks like new players who will join the game after Christmas won’t be able to purchase T34. This does not mean that the Premium members will not be able to get their T34 by converting gold into experience and credits. The T34 case is not for making another Premium vehicle, but to compensate efforts in grinding for those who have already own this tank for a long period of time. And again, special offers for this tank may possibly be released at a future date.

    Szóval aki karácsony után regisztrált, az már lecsúszott arról, hogy a store-ban megvegye a T34-et. Ezzel akarják kompenzálni azt, hogy aki már elérte, annak jutalom maradjon, más meg ne tudja kikerülni félúton a grindelést, és csak simán pénzből ne tudja megvenni.

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