Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Antonius1978


    válasz Plazmacucci #10300 üzenetére

    Hát mert a Sztalkereknek elsősorban az a dolguk, hogy szopassák magukat,mi másért indulnának másképp a Zónaba ? :DD :C
    Visszavaltok angolra, mert igy szoktam meg gyorsan irni, idegesit a magyar billentyuzes.
    Naszoval, azert akartam ezzel jatszani, mert valaki betette a hivatkozast a CoP forumba, es megragadott a latvany - vegre nem a sokadjara vegigvitt unalmas Zaton-Janov-Pripyat palyak vannak benne.
    A ShoC-t van vagy 4-5 eve hogy utoljara jatszodtam, szoval az akkor ismert palyakat is elfelejtettem.
    Vegigtoltam az Enot-ot, Way in Pripyat-ot (na idaig ezt tartom a legjobb modnak, hangulatilag es tortenetileg), Geonesis 2-t, es utoljara az AMK 2 Devolutiont. A WIP-t kiveve mindegyikkel az a baj, - annak ellenere, hogy rengeteg uj cucc, otletes kuldetesek, millioszamra uj fegyverek - hogy Zaton-Janov-Pripyat is benne van.
    Mar akarok latni valami uj palyat is...es mas tortenetet.Ezert ragadott meg a Fotograf, mert ugy tunik hogy uj teruleteken jatszodik, es a tortenet is frappansnak tunik, de az a baj, hogy szar az angol forditas, es a jatek nem rendelkezik olyan fasza terkeppel es leirasokkal mint a CoP.Vagy esetleg szandekosan csinaltak igy a keszitok (ami nem baj, csak lenne tobb leiras, hogy mit hol keress).Na, diohejban ennyi.

  • Antonius1978


    válasz Plazmacucci #10302 üzenetére

    Miert, a Lost Alphaban milyen palyak lesznek ? Es egyedi lesz a tortenet ?

  • Dhampir


    válasz Antonius1978 #10301 üzenetére

    A WIP-t kiveve mindegyikkel az a baj, - annak ellenere, hogy rengeteg uj cucc, otletes kuldetesek, millioszamra uj fegyverek - hogy Zaton-Janov-Pripyat is benne van.

    Egyetértek és +1 a WiP-re. :)

  • rétisün


    válasz Antonius1978 #10305 üzenetére

    ezért is kezdtem el a legendary-t....hogy egy kicsit 'kiszakadjak' a zaton-jupiter-pripjaty területekről, meg a SoC-ot amúgy is talán 3x ha végigjátszottam :D

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    war...war never changes.... hol kezdődik a valóság, és hol ér véget a képzelet.....Ron Swanson for president !!

  • Antonius1978


    válasz rétisün #10306 üzenetére

    Megneztem ezt a Legendary-t a Youtube-on, X18-as laborrol van video.Mar jartam itt az Enotban :)
    Van akkor meg Oblivion Lost, azt valaki vitte vegig ? Aztan talaltam egy olyant hogy Zone of Alienation, azt ismeri valaki ? Ahogy latom, abban mar tarak vannak a fegyverekhez, be is kell oket tarazni, nem csak ugy a zsebunkbol kapjuk elo a loszert :)
    Es meg valami mas frappans modot ismer valaki ?
    Az Autumn Aurora az milyen ?

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Aarpok


    válasz Antonius1978 #10308 üzenetére

    Az OL2.2 - öt kivittem 1 - 2 szer pokoli fokozaton egész jó.Alapsztroit kell vinni és a végén Koshei legyőzése után aktiválódik a freeplay mód.Sok mutáns szaladgál a zónában az irányító közelében dülöngélsz és homályosan látsz és ha nem nyírod ki hamar kifőzi az agyadat.Az autumn 2 - ben sok fegyver szép környezet és pontosan lővő ellenfelek.Kicsit olyan mint a COP Misery - je.A Zone of Alienation - t csak tervbe vettem,de még nem jutottam el odáig,most az autumn 2 - vel tolom.


  • Antonius1978


    válasz Aarpok #10309 üzenetére

    Hat ha csak alaptortenet az Oblivion Lost, akkor annyira nem vonz, de vannak benne jo otletek, pl a tarazas az tetszett.
    Ha az Autumn-ban olyan sok fegyver van, nem kuldened at/tennel be kepet az ui_equipment.DDS-rol ?

  • Aarpok


    válasz Antonius1978 #10310 üzenetére

    Ma már biztos,hogy nem talán holnap délután ha addig mondjuk Dodo nem teszi fel.
    Ha nem alapszotisra vágysz akkor a Priboi story,Secret tails esetleg a stalkersoup hirtelen ezek jutottak eszembe.

    [ Szerkesztve ]


  • Dhampir


    válasz Antonius1978 #10310 üzenetére

    Az alaptörténet teljes lecserélése jelentene igazi megújulást akármelyik mod esetében. :K

    (#10313) dodopek :DDD

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • dodopek


    válasz Aarpok #10311 üzenetére

    micsinálok? Miről tegyek fel képet? Így a harmadik7,2%os sör után már annyira nem látom át a fórumot... :C ;]

  • Aarpok


    válasz dodopek #10313 üzenetére

    Erről - - >ui_equipment.dds< - - kellene Antoniusnak kép azt hiszem a textures mappán belül van (pontosan én sem tudom hol) :( Persze ha csak a sok sör után még megtalálod :)

    [ Szerkesztve ]


  • rétisün


    válasz Aarpok #10314 üzenetére

    ...és még mindig nem találja.... :))

    war...war never changes.... hol kezdődik a valóság, és hol ér véget a képzelet.....Ron Swanson for president !!

  • dodopek


    válasz Aarpok #10314 üzenetére

    ui_icon_equipment.dds van. Ha az kell, feltöltöttem ide Elfogyott a sör... :D

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Aarpok


    válasz dodopek #10316 üzenetére

    Én is csak azt találtam. :U
    (#10315) rétisün :DDD

    [ Szerkesztve ]


  • Antonius1978


    válasz Dhampir #10312 üzenetére

    Pontosan (ezert dijaztuk mindketten a WIP azonos mercevel). :)

    Dodo, Aarpok, koszonom az allomanyt, hat nem estem hasra, semmi olyan nincs benne ami nekem kellene, esetleg egyetlen 1 pisztolyt latok, ami esetleg erdekelne...
    UI : esetleg meg a tavcsoves Mosin Nagant, mert tegnap veletlenul talaltam egy olyant, hogy a FÉG utodja ilyen M-N-okbol gyart golyos vadaszfegyvert...

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • rétisün


    tudja valaki, hogy lehetne belepiszkálni az időjárásba? (legendary mod) kicsit unom már, hogy állandóan borús, esős idő van :B

    war...war never changes.... hol kezdődik a valóság, és hol ér véget a képzelet.....Ron Swanson for president !!

  • shield


    válasz rétisün #10320 üzenetére

    Süni, az oldalamon fent van a teljesebb magyarítás a Legendary-hoz. A dinamikus üzenetek is le vannak fordítva, amivel keveset találkoztam a játék folyamán, pedig van belőle rengeteg. Benne van egy hiba javítás is a modhoz, amit kekeeci társunk oldott meg.

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • rétisün


    válasz shield #10321 üzenetére

    kösz, bár lehet, hogy már nálam is az van fenn.

    aszondja a chrome: "a legendary_hun_1.1.zip fájlt nem gyakran töltik le, és veszélyes lehet" :D

    war...war never changes.... hol kezdődik a valóság, és hol ér véget a képzelet.....Ron Swanson for president !!

  • shield


    válasz rétisün #10322 üzenetére

    Ma raktam fel. Nálam is ezt írja ki a chrome. Csomagolatlan is és becsomagolva is kiírja, a firefox nem akadékoskodik.
    Rettenetesen veszélyes. :DDD

    kekeeci-nek küldtem néhány log-ot, most "szabad üzemmódban" hentelek és Jantarban állandóan kilépkedett. Rengeteg az ellenfél és valamit hiányolt a zombiknál. Volt egy terület amit el kellett kerülnöm és meg kellett várnom míg legyilkolják egymást. Társammal Morcossal portyázunk.

    Holnap valami más modra váltok, kell a változatosság.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • rétisün


    válasz shield #10323 üzenetére

    én úgy megijedtem, le se töltöttem :Y

    nem ám, már fel is tettem :K

    war...war never changes.... hol kezdődik a valóság, és hol ér véget a képzelet.....Ron Swanson for president !!

  • kekeeci

    senior tag

    válasz shield #10323 üzenetére

    Még komolyabban nem foglalkoztam a LEGENDARY-val, ezért kérdem, mikortól lehet 'testőrt bérelni'?
    (Még csak a legelején tartok, és ott nincs erre lehetőség, a te mentésedben meg már ott volt 'Morcos'.)

    kekeeci (waltzer) R†P: Project Torque, LevelR & HEAT Online :(      "Kívánom, hogy a víz amit talál ne világítson a sötétben. (May the water you find in the desert not shine at you in the dark.)"

  • shield


    válasz kekeeci #10325 üzenetére

    Már az elején lehet, én már Kordonban a faluban vettem fel társat. Nem mindenkit lehet, meg kell keresni azt az egyént aki hajlandó csatlakozni hozzád. A mivel a zöldfülűek falujában sikerült exos társat keríteni, így kicsit könnyebb volt a kezdés.
    Ennek is van hátránya is, mert sokszor meggondolatlanul rohangál (-nak), így többször kellett visszatölteni a mentést. Pálya váltás után van amikor sokára ér(-nek) csak utol. Előnye a tűzerő és már akkor is lő(-nek) az ellenségre amikor én még nem is vettem észre.

    rétisün azért visszarakom a megszokott formába, nehogy elijesszen valakit. :DDD

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • Chewye

    csendes tag

    Jó napot Stalkerek!

    L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y. ezt dobja ki szeméttelepnél közel a vonatstadionhoz, nem találja a textúrát :O járt már így vele valaki,vagy van valami ötlet, hogy mit lehetne ártani neki ? :W

    Expression : fatal error
    Function : CRender::texture_load
    File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrRender\Texture.cpp
    Line : 295
    Description : <no expression>
    Arguments : Can't find texture 'arsenal_mod\crosshairs\scope_acog_maine'

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    For The Horde!

  • kekeeci

    senior tag

    válasz Chewye #10327 üzenetére

    Itt a javítás. :)

    shield - neked is ajánlom...

    Jöhetnek még hibák! :)) :DD :)) (legalább, mire odaérek, az én példányom tökéletes lesz)

    (#10328) Dhampir - Szerintem nem, de mint említettem, én még nem tudtam felbérelni.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    kekeeci (waltzer) R†P: Project Torque, LevelR & HEAT Online :(      "Kívánom, hogy a víz amit talál ne világítson a sötétben. (May the water you find in the desert not shine at you in the dark.)"

  • Chewye

    csendes tag

    válasz kekeeci #10329 üzenetére

    Köszönöm! :R

    Dhampir: ha a L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y.-ról beszéltek a testőrök is megtudnak halni.
    Jó vissza olvastam arról. :B

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    For The Horde!

  • Dhampir


    válasz kekeeci #10329 üzenetére

    A SHOC-ban a Bárnál felbérelhető is?

    (#10330) Chewye

    Inkább a SHOC-os testőr érdekel, de elméleti szinten a modokban lévő is, hogyan oldották meg. :)

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • kekeeci

    senior tag

    válasz Dhampir #10331 üzenetére

    A ShoC-ban nincs testőr (vagy bármilyen téged kísérő - segítő társ), csak némely modban. :(

    kekeeci (waltzer) R†P: Project Torque, LevelR & HEAT Online :(      "Kívánom, hogy a víz amit talál ne világítson a sötétben. (May the water you find in the desert not shine at you in the dark.)"

  • rétisün


    tegnap este végre elállt az eső :C (mármint a Zónában, legendary modban)

    war...war never changes.... hol kezdődik a valóság, és hol ér véget a képzelet.....Ron Swanson for president !!

  • shield


    válasz kekeeci #10329 üzenetére

    Köszi, begyűjtöttem ezt is. Végül készítek belőle egy patch-et. A pár nappal ezelőttit még nem próbáltam ki, de hamarosan megejtem.

    dodopekaz Autumn Aurora 2-őt amikor feltelepítetted, akkor az alap beállítással telepítetted vagy szélesebb látómezővel? Ha a szélesebbel, akkor mit lehet benne észrevenni?
    Tegnap este nagyot szívtam vele, induláskor mindig kilépett. Nagy nehezen megtaláltam melyik fájl akasztotta ki. Azt hittem, hogy végeztem a fordítással amikor kiderült, hogy a 2.04-es patch változtatott két nyelvi fájlt. Az egyik kiegészítése nem nagy munka, de a másik a fegyver fájl amiben rengeteg fegyver nevei adatai változnak és még ki is egészül egy-két tétellel. Délután neki gyürkőzöm, igyekszem gyorsan végezni vele. Ki tudja még a teszt során mi kerül elő.

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • Aarpok


    válasz shield #10335 üzenetére

    Nekem steames shoc- om van és ezért a bin mappából törölni kellett a d3d9.dll - t és rögtön elindult.Amíg ezt nem csináltam meg csak crashelni volt hajlandó.


  • Dhampir


    válasz kekeeci #10333 üzenetére

    Úgy emlékszem régről, hogy fel lehet bérelni egy ivóban ácsorgó embert. :U

  • shield


    válasz Aarpok #10336 üzenetére

    Nekem a nyelvi fájlok közt volt a nem megfelelő. Remélem más már nem kever be.

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • shield


    válasz Aarpok #10336 üzenetére

    Az előbb elfelejtettem megkérdezni, Te milyen beállításokkal telepítetted?

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • Aarpok


    válasz shield #10339 üzenetére

    Azt hiszem alapon volt minden ahogy a telepítő beállította.


  • shield


    válasz Aarpok #10340 üzenetére

    Most én is elkezdem, a fordítást menet közben befejezem. Hosszú a weapons.xml, még csak a harmadánál tartok. Ez a patch kib@szott velem. :W
    Talán hanyagolni fogom a patch-et egy ideig!? :F

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • shield


    válasz Aarpok #10340 üzenetére

    Úgy látszik még sem fogok vele játszani. Nem tudok játékot indítani, kiválasztom a nehézséget, ezután kilép a főmenübe. Tele van már vele a hócipőm.

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • Dhampir



    Állományaimban "nagy kavarás" van. Régebben elmentettem az Oblivion Lost gamedata állományokat, de már nem tudom, hogy melyik micsoda.

    Az Oblivion Lost 2010 és OL 2.2 között mi a különbség?

    Melyiket érdemes feltenni, hogy van ez, már nem értem, mert belegabalyodtam. :D

  • Dhampir


    válasz Dhampir #10343 üzenetére

    Megtaláltam a választ itt és itt.

    Tegnap, mint derült égből villámcsapás, került bejelentésre az Oblivion Lost 2010-es változata! Ez már, csak mint alkotóelem fogja tartalmazni az OL 2.2-est, mondhatjuk, hogy ez csak egy rész a sok közül.

    Tehát az OL 2010 részévé vált az OL 2.2.

    Az OL 2012 egy félbehagyott, már nem támogatott munka volt? :F

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • shield


    válasz Dhampir #10344 üzenetére

    Igen, benne van az OL2.2, 2008-2009 projekt volt. Itt az oldalon valaki belinkelte az Oblivion Lost 2010 - 1.02-őt,ehhez csináltam fordítást, fent van az oldalamon. Ezt az 1.02-es verziót -abból a szempontból nem ajánlom, hogy már az elején megszerzel egy tuning fegyvert és páncélt és a továbbiakban már nincs kihívás a játékban, mert már nem érdemes más fegyver vagy páncél után kajtatni. Aki könnyű hentelésre vágyik, arra jó.

    A moddb.com-os verzióra térek át. Annak idején ehhez kezdtem el a fordítást, azt hiszem előkeresem és befejezem.

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. és modok: http://users.atw.hu/stalkermods-hun -- http://www.shieldstalker.nhely.hu

  • Dhampir


    válasz shield #10345 üzenetére

    Mester, köszönöm az útbaigazítást! :R

    Ilyenféle könnyítést a legelejétől én sem akarok, mert akkor elveszítené a varázsát. Legfeljebb a nagy radioaktív mezők miatt egy hatásosabb képződmény jól jönne.

    Nálam régebbi állományok keveredtek össze valahogyan; OL 2010 és OL 2.2. egy mappában. Ezt már nem látom át. Inkább megpróbálom újra letölteni.

  • Dhampir


    válasz shield #10345 üzenetére

    Nekem ez van meg, a gamedata mappában található readme alapján, akkor ez csak az OL 2.2?

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Oblivion Lost (by OLP Team)

    Lead scripter: Kanyhalos
    Scripts, configs: Atrocious
    Sounds: Darius6

    Testers: Wolfehunter, Ceano, nandersen, Lucian04, V-Storm

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Oblivion Lost
    General Information
    Type.................: mod for Stalker - Shoc 1.0005
    Platform.............: Windows XP
    Languages............: english WW and US
    Release Notes:


    What is the purpose of this mod?

    The purpose of this mod is to get closer to the old Oblivion Lost, and give the best performance possible, while implementing the best mod features:

    Total freeplay, modified A-Life, reality enhancement, better AI, faction wars with cooperative gameplay.

    It is recommended to play in HELL difficulty!
    This mod works properly only with 1.0005 patch!
    Although the 1.0005 version is working with the 1.0006 patch as well, but that is just an MP Patch.


    How to install?

    1. You need to download the version which you would like to play. There are separate downloads, one for 1.0004 and one for 1.0005, but there are no feature differences, the patch compatibility is the only reason. I decided to release 2 versions, so you don't need to install any patches, just the whole pack.

    2. You must delete everything from the previous versions, and install a clean Oblivion Lost 2.2 without any side-mods!

    3. You should edit the fsgame.ltx and at the gamedata line change both variables to true (one of them is already true)

    4. Copy the content of the package to your Stalker gamedir (if you don't have a gamedata folder, don't worry, this mod will create it)

    5. Read this info!



    After you complete the main story and go back from the Chernobyl NPP, you are able to join any faction. You can join factions at Pripyat trader, Military trader in Chernobyl, Lukash, Voronin, Sakharov, Barkeep. Of course, you can't join every faction - it's well-balanced and fits into the game.
    If you join a faction, they will be friendly toward you. If you kill 2-3 stalkers from your faction, then the faction will be hostile toward you.
    Though you can repair your broken relations through Sidorovich, Barkeep, and the Pripyat trader, it costs a huge amount of money.
    You can hire all NPCs who are friendly. There is a dialog that appears, where you can ask him to follow you, or suggest him to wait here. You can even say that you don't need his help anymore, and he'll go away. You can't hire quest NPCs and faction leaders, nor snipers or guards.
    There is a team coordinator NPC marks, so if you want to give a different command, then you have to ask one NPC only, not all of them, and they'll do the same. It's very useful for large groups.
    The NPCs follow you to other levels, too, but their transition is a bit slower than yours, because they must take the path between the two levels.
    Please be patient with them, it's not a long time, only 10-15 in-game minutes.
    Sometimes they are a bit slower if they are going to the Bar from Garbage, and if you are going to Dark Valley from Cordon, they'll arrive from Garbage, and they won't follow you to underground levels. If the NPC doesn't follow you immediately, don't blame him, he will, he just may be busy with something else, but don't worry, it's rare.
    When NPCs are in the "follow me" state, they don't loot corpses and don't collect items from the ground. If you tell them to "wait here", they will start to loot.
    They don't loot stashes, only corpses and lying items.
    All other NPCs are always looting if they are not in combat mode.
    So the main purpose is that you can join any faction, hire the members, and lead against the enemy, even with huge groups; there is no limit on how many NPCs you can hire, but they need to have medkits, otherwise they won't accept your suggestion until you give them medkits.
    Cooperative NPCs will heal you if you get wounded.
    The interactive message system fits into your actual faction, for example if you are Bandit, then the Duty won't send you messages.
    Added a Merc trader and a Bandit trader, but they appear only if you join them.

    Authors: Kanyhalos, Red75, Atrocious
    Coop dialogs thanks to dezodor, Don Reba, BAC9-FLCL
    Dialog manager thanks to NatVac

    After you complete the storyline, the A-Life will be changed.
    As time progresses, NPCs' ranks increase, and they'll become veterans, masters, and so on.
    You'll be able to meet highly skilled NPCs in certain levels (for example veteran and master bandits advancing from Dark Valley, Exo and Seva loners in Cordon, etc.). They also have very good equipment, for example you may meet enemies in earlier levels with LR300, AS Val, etc. Their goodies are random, so now you can forgot about the usual stalkers with novice suits and sawn-off shotguns.
    You can meet certain factions anywhere you go, but it's balanced. There will be a lot of unexpected situations, and probably most of them will be dangerous.
    It depends on which faction you are in. NPCs looking for artifacts and doing transmutations, using GPS markers, although you won't see this, but you can loot them from corpses or buy from NPCs if they sell it.

    I would note that the autoquests have been disabled, and most of them turned into normal side-quests.

    Authors: Kanyhalos, Iwer, ClaySoft'65

    Coop Mod (thx for Red75)
    Marauders scheme (thx for Red75)
    Iwer's Un-Life Mod (thx for Iwer)
    Faction change and reset (thx for Atrocious)
    New blowout sound (thx for dezodor)
    Changes in the medic scheme (thx for Artos)
    Autoquest convertation (thx for NatVac)

    Big thanks for Servalion about reporting the issue of May 31, when the blowouts and the faction wars events stopped working in some cases. It's been fixed.


    - Well, it was a very rare event in the previous version, now you have events probably every day, maybe twice a day, it's random, but it won't mess up the storyline, it's based on that and fits into it. It means there are some restrictions which block some events at the earlier stages of the game.
    The AMK Offline Alife inspirated me to make this feature, but it's very different, it's main purpose is the battles between factions and mutants. For example you are in Cordon, you have an onscreen message about an event from the Bar.
    You go to the Bar, and fight with Duty against their enemies, or maybe you will loot their corpses if you go to there too late. So events will happen in the another levels, where you aren't there.
    Helicopters and BTR's are also added to the random events.
    A lot of faction wars stalkers wear new weapons, so if you are lucky, there is a chance to obtain new weapons, instead of buying them from traders. There is a chance to meet a rare stalker in certain levels. Of course, the whole game is rebalanced and fit into these features.

    Authors: Kanyhalos, Atrocious, xStream, sokol_jack
    Thanks to Barin by some help about the npc logics.

    - The dynamic anomalies feature was already included, but only after blowouts. Now the anomalies are moving during day, they are aggressive, and don't accept artifacts for transmutations, but at night they become calmed down, don't move out from their positions, and the artifact transmutation works until the next morning, they accept them.
    Of course, you can disable this feature manually in olp_mod.script, set the anoms variable to false, and it will stop their movement at day and the transmutation will work during the whole day, not only at nights.
    There are anomalous zones where they can appear, not everywhere, so it won't kill important npc's and won't block important pathways.

    Authors: Kanyhalos, xStream, Red75

    - Now there are 3 weather presets, not only one, and it's random. Also after blowout you'll have massive fog and storms, but this will switch back to normal weather after a while. Of course, you'll never see suddenly sky switches, and also added more fog and rain, but those are also random.

    Authors: Kanyhalos, Atrocious, Barin, xStream

    - ZM LR300 ML, Benelli M3 Short, Bizon, P90, FN2000 prototype, Kriss Super V, Ingram MAC10, MG3, MP7, OTS-33, PKM, PPSH-41, Saiga12c, Steyr TMP, TEC-9.
    Most of them not available at traders, you need to find them somewhere in the Zone.

    Credits: The LR300, the MG3 and the PPSH made by Dester and Zereset for Arsenal Mod.
    The Saiga12c made by tambovsky and his team. The PKM made by Gosuke.

    The other weapons originally made by the Counter Strike Source Community from the FPSBanana site, and ZEN animated them and made compatible with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for his ZENOBIAN Mod.
    The models and textures created by: Twinke Masta, Thanez, cryomerk, readersdigest, Millenia, Pete, Schmung, the_tub, SureShot, DarkElfa®, RedRogueXIII, SilentAssassin12, Logger, Dav0r, Downloadable Skillz, Kimono, GigantoR, Kurgan, Rionname.

    Particles.xr file merged by EggChen.

    Thanks to:
    - Domestos' textures (thx for Domestos)
    - New LR300 texture (thx for BAC9-FLCL)
    - New Minigun texture (thx for Hectrol)
    - New inventory icons (thx for ZEN, Pollux, Darius6, Saint Stan, ClaySoft'65)
    - Rank-based repair (thx for ClaySoft'65)
    - Improved Bumpmaps (thx for Cpt. Borovich, Skullhunter, Atrocious)
    - Siro's skins (thx for Siro)


    - All traders reworked, the repair prices based on your rank, added a new trader to Pripyat, balanced the spawning rates, fixed the insane respawn issues in the Sarcophagus and in Chernobyl NPP, and the mutant spawns rebalanced in the whole Zone.
    Random types of mutants will appear on the ground and random types of artifacts will birth from anomalies after blowout, also in random places, and there is 25% chance to have a rare artifact in the later levels of the game.
    Also probably you'll have better performance, some stutterings has been successfully eliminated.
    I fixed the death on sleep issue by hunger, although it's still highly recommended to eat before sleep, because I didn't disable the hunger, just delayed it a bit.
    And also all OL2.0-related bugs have been fixed, for example the controller issues at the Barrier, Skinflint's error, some annoying anomalies in the Dark Valley, etc, etc.
    The damages of the blowout rebalanced, now it's possible to survive closer to the center of the Zone, but still very dangerous. Also some players reported the blowout disappeared after you completed the main story, now it's fixed, also sometimes the blowout interval was felt a bit constant, now it's more randomized and fixed.
    Restored the Duty and the Loners to Wild Territory, also some of them unique.
    The alcoholism feature has been disabled, but you can re-enable it in olp_mod.script by setting the alkohol variable to true.

    - Some recipe descriptions were broken and messed up, now all of them fixed, no bugs anymore. But remember, not every anomalies accept the artifacts, if one of them doesn't, then try with an other.
    Also now if the recipe giver stalker die before he can give it to you, then you can loot the recipe from his corpse, so you'll be sure to have all recipes.
    Do not forget about the day-night cycle anomaly behaviour, if you kept that enabled.


    - Although you can follow the storyline, it is not necessary, you can explore all levels without completing them, but you must have the decoder to be able to get to Monolith Control and NPP Stancia2.
    - Removed the scripted blowout from Stancia1 and the dead zone from Stancia2, so you can explorate the whole Power Plant.
    - The last portal teleports the actor to the court, so the game is open-ended, you can make your way back to the previous levels.
    - New level changers (NPP Stancia2 to Control Room, Control Room to Sarcophagus, Sarcophagus to NPP Stancia1, NPP Stancia1 to Pripyat, Cordon'to Dark Valley).

    - Now almost everything can happen, there's a chance to meet any NPC on any level.
    - Sometimes the army raids, sometimes they don't, this is totally random, too.
    - The mutants are making their way through the Zone in big hordes.
    - The mutants are entering places where they could not enter before, so there's an increased chance to meet them in npc populated areas.
    - Sometimes you may happen upon unique situations, it can be very hard or even funny.
    - You will not have the same situations 2 times on the same level.
    - The respawn can be very random, there's a chance to meet different types of mutants then before.
    - The bugs of the older versions and the vanilla bugs have been corrected, now you won't see any failed quests and Quest NPC's who die before you can complete their quests, also the vanilla respawn is working properly and balanced.

    - There's a chance to meet any faction in any level, also it's totally random.
    - A message will give you notice about the random events.
    - The Military attacks the bandits in the carpark.
    - The Military attacks the loners and the bandits in the Hangar.
    - You can meet Mercenaries in Agroprom.
    - The Duty and the Military attacks Borov's base.
    - The Freedom attacks the Duty base.
    - The Military sometimes attacks Rostok Wild Territory.
    - The Duty attacks the Freedom base.
    - All factions try to reach the center of the Zone, and there's a chance to some of them become zombified by the Psy Emission.

    - All weapons are stronger and well-balanced.
    - Almost to all weapons are able to attach addons.
    - Added realistic sounds to the weapons, rounds, ammos, materials and environment.
    - NPC's can bleed, if they are hurt they fall down to the ground and if they don't receive any medkits within a minute, then they die.
    - Bandages and foods don't heal the actor.
    - The average bleeding doesn't stop by itself, only the minor.
    - Added realistic head-bobbing to the actor when he is heavily wounded.
    - Well-balanced armor degradation.
    - The crosshair is reduced to a dot.
    - New sniper weapon scopes.
    -There is a huge difference between day and night, you can sneak in the pitch black, but it's not very easy, I had to make a compromise between a good stealth and bugfree npc behaviour.
    - If the actor turns on the flashlight at night, then his enemies spot him immediately.
    - Reduced the sound volume of the Knife, now it's a dangerous and invisible weapon during night, presumably the NPC's won't notice the actor if he is smart enough.
    - The quality of the weapons which are looted from corpses is generally very bad.

    - BM16 Long Rifle
    - M-134 Minigun
    - AK-47

    - The npc's can avoid anomalies.
    - The npc's can throw grenades.
    - The npc's can use medkits, heal themselves and each other.
    - The npc's can upgrade and replace their armor and they will collect suits and weapons found laying about.
    - There are no dead npc's around campfires, but if someone dies near one, the campers will drag the corpse away.

    - The controller can take control on the npc's and lead them against his enemies.
    - If an npc is inside the controller's aura, then he will immediately become zombified.
    - When the controller dies, then "controlled" npc's will return to normal.

    - There are 24 hour cycle weathers in all levels.
    - The night is dark and scary.
    - Restored the Sun and the Moon.
    - Atmospheric sky textures.
    - In NPP Stancia2 the weather is always rainy and cloudy, it fits in to the atmosphere of the Nuclear Plant.

    - The blowout is totally random, you never know when it will happen.
    - So there are many hideouts in each level, but carrying antirad is very important.
    - The npc's are running to hideouts, while being attacked - they fire back, at the end of blowout - they return to usual places. They protect the hideouts from enemies.
    - The strength of the blowout is always stronger and stronger if you are closer to the NPP. In the NPP blowouts are deadly, you must runn down to the Sarcophagus as soon as you can.
    - The mutants lie on the ground during the high radiation sequence of blowouts, they feel pain from that.
    - More mutants will appear after blowout and give madness to the environment.
    - Artifacts will birth from anomalies after blowout.
    - The blowout will continue if you save and load the game or move to an other level, you can't bypass it.

    - The anomalies change their positions after blowouts.
    - Stronger anomalies can appear and they will be very deadly.
    - Be careful of them if you are driving cars, now the routine which you learn in the vanilla game is useless.

    - Player's field of view lowers when you wear suits with masks, condensation effect (glass becomes covered with moisture)

    - It's a kind of alchemy, as you can see in other rpg games. You can modify artifacts by placing them in the proper anomaly, but be careful, you can ruin them too. There are "recipts" hidden in the zone, and you need to find them, or get them with completing quests. These papers contain the solution for creating unique items, so you should carefully read them. There are different levels for artifacts, each with new features. If you are lucky, you will be able to create a new artifact with unique properties.

    - Now Marked One gets tired after 30 hours of action: it begins to double your vision, etc. If you continue to play and will not sleep, Marked One will fall asleep approximately after 6 hours.
    - You can't sleep for a while if you had an energy drink.
    - You can't sleep during blowout.
    - To sleep, use the sleeping bag in your inventory..

    - Added all cutout mutants (Dwarf, Chimera, Cat, Zombie, Izlom)
    - They have many different types of skins.
    - Added the Psy Dog as a new mutant (with attack effector).
    - Two boss enemy characters (Burer and Koshei) - they are tougher and have stronger attacks then the usual mutants.

    - Added all drivable vehicles (Niva, Zaz, Kamaz, Tractor, UAZ, BTR, Moskvich).
    - The vehicles don't float.
    - Well-balanced driving properties.
    - Added realistic engine and gear sounds to the UAZ.

    - Replaced main menu music.
    - Main menu from the 2215 beta.
    - Added the "Turn on the engine" to the options/controls.
    - Added the AMK Options menu, you can disable the Suit HUD visors.
    - NPC's can buy anything from the actor but in very low prices.
    - All traders can repair.
    - New stalker and weapon textures.
    - Additional skins for stalkers and bandits.
    - Traders sell their supplies at very high prices, but they pay very low prices for everything, now they are well-balanced.
    - Finding a medkit is not so easy, also it's very expensive to purchase them.
    - Shootable crows.
    - You can place markers on the pda map with GPS.
    - Reworked the helicopter AI. Now they use rockets and will sometimes use evasive maneuvers. If the pilot loses the player from it's FOV (Field of Vision), then it will halt it's attack and fly away.
    - Antigas armors enabled.
    - The npc's can play the harmonica.
    - Alcolholism, don't drink too much vodka.
    - Replaced some dialog sounds to russian.
    - Added some songs to the camping stalkers.
    - Sidequests and autoquests have no time limit.
    - You can obtain the quests again after 1 day.
    - In standard task of the "Kill stalker" type, now, there are several ways to end task - victim can pay for its life.
    - A lot of vanilla bugfixes.

    - Anomaly evasion
    - Restored the Sun and the Moon
    - Blowout
    - Dynamic anomalies
    - Dynamic HUD
    - Artifact transmutation
    - Alcoholism
    - Sleeping Bag
    - GPS
    - Victim can pay for its life
    - Shootable crows
    - Reworked helicopter AI
    - Controller zombify the stalkers

    - Rookie Skinpack (thx for WhatPayne)
    - Custom mutant and bandit models (thx for Jketiynu)
    - Siro's Models and Skins pack (thx for Siro)
    - Stalker Skies (thx for Cambragol)
    - Flannel Jacket Bandit Skin (thx for KnifeInFace)
    - Stalker Sound Overhaul (thx for Darius6)
    - Improved Sound Effects (thx for dDefinder)
    - Beta-style gloves (thx for stalkermuckl)
    - Ecolog zombie stalker (thx for EggChen)
    - Food and bandages don't heal the actor (thx for FatRap)
    - AMK-EN Translation (thx for Vizzy, BAC9-FLCL)
    - Fixed the vanilla a-life bugs (thx for bardak, NatVac)
    - Fixed the vanilla waypoint bug in Army Warehouses (thx for DC-)
    - Some parts of ZRP Mod included (thx for NatVac, bardak)
    - M-134 Minigun (thx for SRP Team)
    - Campfire bugfix (thx for bardak)
    - Duty bribe (thx for gannebamm)
    - PLR's realistic weapons 2.0 (thx for PLR)
    - Lexx's Antigas armor Mod (thx for Lexx)
    - Harmonica Mod (thx for gordon-x)
    - Unique Chimera skin (thx for Domestos)
    - AK-47 model (thx for Zereset & Dester)
    - AI Pack final (thx for xStream)

    xStream, NatVac, BAC9-FLCL, Dezodor, Barin, V-Storm, Saint Stan, Allianxor, MarteenDee, ClaySoft'65, Don Reba, FFxSTALKERx, Pixel, Fatrap, Wolfehunter, Bangalore, Lucian04, Atrocious, Dev1ce, KnifeInFace, DEXXX, nandersen, Dada4, EggChen, ZEN, Ab@ddon, LLSNeitrino, Hectrol, Fredy, Fulcrum, Xarvius, Ceano


    You can enter vehicles with "F" button, and Turn on the Engine with whatever button you set in the options/controls menu.

    If you enter the BTR with "F" button, press the "L" button to open the windows.

    Be very aware when you drive vehicles. Especially at night considering that anomalies will change their positions after blowouts.
    If a Whirlgig anomaly throws you up with a car, then it's recommended to jump out of it. The anomalies are deadly.
    You should protect Kruglov/Semenov in Yantar carefully, because sometimes the Zombified Stalkers get out from the factory to kill you, and the ecologist isn't afraid of them.
    When you obtain quests in Army Warehouses between the Duty and the Freedom, do not shoot first, otherwise the whole faction will try to kill you.
    Sometimes the Protect the Border quest can be funny, because sometimes a few loners or mutants block the way of the Monolith forces.
    If the Monoliths don't want to start the raid, then you should shoot them first and they'll start the offense.
    It's recommended to have a suit which has good telepathy protection, because the controllers are dangerous. Be aware of them.
    Do not use the side-gates in Pripyat stadium when you enter into it the first time, use the main gate as usual, there is no cutscene, just continue your way on foot towards the NPP.
    Do not look for artifact activation feature, I took it out, because it didn't work well with the dynamic anomalies system and the anomaly evasion.
    The blowout at NPP Stancia2 is very dangerous. You should get to the Sarcophagus as soon as possible if you are to survive.
    The last portal in the NPP Stancia2 teleports the actor to the court where you can meet the main boss enemy.
    And you can go back to the previous levels in the same way you arrived on your own feet, you can see the positions of the level changers on the PDA Map.
    The game is open-ended, so you can forget about the "Game Over". There is no final movie, the end of the storyline has been changed, because in this mod the Zone doesn't come to its end, there is no green around you, Marked One now know he is Strelok, and he still wants be stalker, and he goes back from the NPP and continues his business.
    Although a lot of weapons were added to the game, you can't buy most of them from the traders, you need to find them elsewhere.
    The alcoholism feature has been turned off, because of the so-called poisonous attack, you can re-enable it in olp_mod.script if you want to back that.
    You can carry heavy weapons, Minigun, PKM, MG3 with exoskeleton equipped only.

    You can customize some settings in olp_mod.script, you can enable or disable some features by setting them to true or false. The radio chat in the Bar, you can revert back the vanilla music, and you can turn off the respawn in the underground labs and in the NPP, or re-enable the alcoholism feature, or disable the day-night cycle anomaly behaviour.
    Detailed comments inside the script in english.
    You can also enable the join factions feature at the beginning, look into the faction_change.script, there is a variable allow_fc_at_sidorovich, set it to true, but that's untested and I am not going to fix its bugs, please don't ask me if you set it enabled, I won't answer.

    If you wish to use any of the features, you should first contact me, show your modification, and give me credit in your own mod if I approve of it.

    Please, do not ask me to fix your bugs.

    I cannot give permission for features from AMK. If you want to use any of those features, you should contact the AMK team.

    I do not support release of add-ons for Oblivion Lost, since it is a very complex system that I want to keep crash-free. If someone does release an add-on or a compatible pack, it might be broken by subsequent patches to Oblivion Lost.
    When the unofficial add-ons crash, I take the blame for it. I am tired of recieving error reports that are unrelated to my mod. If you have some ideas, please contact me. I accept that others might do a better job on some of my features.
    I will not help out the players from the errors who use add-ons or side-mods.
    Also I'm supporting the legal copies of the game only!

    This is simple ethics between us.

    Thank you.

    -----------------------------------------Copyright 2008 Kanyhalos---------------------------------------------

  • Dhampir


    válasz Dhampir #10347 üzenetére

    Letöltöttem és kiderült, hogy ez valójában az OL 2010 a magyarítás pedig shield munkája. :D

    Sikerült kigombolyítani a kuszának vélt állományokat. :))

    Az OL 2.2 magyarítása nem jó a 2010-hez? :F

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Aarpok


    válasz Dhampir #10349 üzenetére

    Nem 100% - an jó hozzá.A OL2010 - ben más fegyverek vannak azoknak nem lesz leirása,de a történeti részéhez szerintem jó a magyarosítás.

    [ Szerkesztve ]


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