
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • beloadjoker


    válasz beloadjoker #24592 üzenetére

    j0k3r@j0k3r-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y510P:~/Asztal$ ls
    j0k3r@j0k3r-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y510P:~/Asztal$ adb devices
    List of devices attached
    61e77853 recovery

    j0k3r@j0k3r-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y510P:~/Asztal$ adb kill-server
    j0k3r@j0k3r-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y510P:~/Asztal$ adb root
    * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
    * daemon started successfully *
    adbd is already running as root
    j0k3r@j0k3r-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y510P:~/Asztal$ adb remount
    remount of system failed: Success
    remount of vendor failed: Success
    remount failed
    j0k3r@j0k3r-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y510P:~/Asztal$ adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
    error: device not found
    j0k3r@j0k3r-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y510P:~/Asztal$ adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
    79 KB/s (4607 bytes in 0.056s)

    Hát ez nem jött be úgyhogy újra feldobom a romot twrpből akk nem vesztek adatokat

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Oneplus One 64gb S. Black + nokia N900 + Xperia Mini + Lenovo y510p i7 SLI 16Gb 256 ssd 1tb ext. hdd + Lenovo x200 + Nexus 7 grouper 16gb + Nexus 7 flo 32gb

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