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    válasz fordfairlane #338 üzenetére

    Újságírók jelentős része kőbalos, tanárok szintén
    Harmadik hozzászólás a videó alól:

    As a swedish man, I can confirm that the Swedish media is a cancer on our society. The main news sources are only out for how many clicks they get and there isn't a single legitimate unbiased newspaper in Sweden as a whole, since 70% of the journalists here vote for one of the most left-leaning parties "Miljöpartiet" (The Environmental Party) according to a study made by my proffessor, and it isn't at all surprising if that were to be the case.

    Not only do people like the woman in the video get silenced, but important topics never get touched on. Take for example when the Panama papers got released, very few widely popular news sources even touched the topic, but instead they focused on controversy around an old lady that had shown a semi-attractive 3D-model of a woman on television.

    As I've said on my twitter, apparently progressives can't find room for logic in their heads since it'd compromise their emotions. And a frighteningly high amount of swedes are just that, "progressive".

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