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  • Luissimo


    válasz PR0JECTNR56 #27258 üzenetére

    Ugye ekkora missing list az nem étvágycsináló ?
    majdcsak javítják...
    majdcsak ??
    No support for album art covers. Not a big deal, but it’s not here.
    No real support for tags. The player goes by file names not ID3 Tags.
    When you click on All Music only the music files in the 770’s internal memory seem to show.
    Navigation is heavily dependent on folder arrangement. It’s not a big deal. But it’s not ideal either.
    The Volume keys + and – used to unlock the player cannot be relied on to lock it.
    There is no way to manually lock the player yourself. The screen has to go blank on its own.
    Rewind button does not take you back to the start of the track. Goes to the previous track.
    AUTO OFF function will turn off your 770 regardless of whether or not it is playing music.
    Battery indicator kind of sucks. Not as stable or consistent. So it’s not anywhere nearly as precise as the one found on the DX90 or the iPods.
    Buttons don’t stay lit. They only light up when touched. Makes for navigating in the dark a bit like playing Marco Polo. Me no likey.
    Wish that the Play button would also work to pause the song. Doesn’t.
    No dedicated equalizer function. It’s like the iPods all over again. Only presets here.
    So far that is all I got. But it’s quite a long list. I just hope that Xuelin will work the bugs out in the future.

    hmmm. :F

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