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    válasz bunfi #6 üzenetére

    Még mindig nem láttam egy példát sem arra hogy hol is "butult" a játék. Az meg nem érvényes ami tök jelentéktelen (pl. tökmindegy mit tárazol a fegyverbe, úgyis gond nélkül végig lehet menni legkeményebb fokozaton. Nemszámít. Én pl benyomtam Tungstent minden más ment creditnek vagy omnigelnek. Pointless...)

    NIncs kedvem fordítgatni, Eurogamer cikk.
    Mass Effect 3 develops melee fighting and each character class will have a special move. An Engineer will use an Omni-tool fire lash attack, for example, while an Adept will throw people back and stun them.

    In Mass Effect 2, powers were upgraded three times and customised at the top, fourth tier; did you want a wider impact zone or a more focused blast? In Mass Effect 3 a Vanguard can tweak Charge to first slam an opponent harder, then do more damage, then be used more often.

    What's more, powers can combine - a Concussive Shot can work with Cry Ammo to freeze a large area.

    In Mass Effect 2, enemies advanced on Shepard's spot of cover throughout the battle. BioWare will enhance this for Mass Effect 3, abolishing the use of a single hiding spot for each battle. And movement will be essential to tackle some of the new game's harder enemies, as Shepard manoeuvres, undetected, to a rear blind/weak spot to deliver the fatal blow.

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