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  • Paarthurnax

    senior tag

    válasz Godefroy #338 üzenetére

    A fukushimai hirek engem is erdekelnek es nem tudom, hogy mennyire biztonsagos Japanba utazni a kozeljovoben. Nem pont Fukushimaba, de mondjuk a 200 kilometeres korzetebe. Tokyo kb 250 km-re van onnan.

    Kb egy honapja volt a hirekben, hogy a Greenpeace szerint a japan kormany (direkt) rossz helyre rakta a meromuszereket, hogy azok sokkal jobb eredmenyeket mutassanak, mint a valosag. Peldaul kiraktak a muszereket olyan megtisztitott teruletre, amitol 10-20 meterre mar sokszorosa a sugarzas, valamint betonfal takarta a veszelyes zonat az erzekelo elol.


    "Greenpeace found that in some parks and school facilities in Fukushima city, home to 285,000 people, radiation levels were above three microsieverts per hour. Japan's recommended radiation limit is 0.23 microsieverts per hour.

    "We also found that official monitoring posts placed by the government systematically underestimate the radiation levels," said Rianne Teule, Greenpeace's radiation expert, adding that some machines are shielded from radiation by surrounding metal and concrete structures.

    The government continues to downplay radiation risks and give false hope (of returning home) to victims of this nuclear disaster"

    Diablo 3 - BoGyesz#1484

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