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    Mad Moxxi korával kapcsolatos értekezés a redditről (egy threadből, ami azt taglalja, hogy Moxxinak 4 gyereke lehet):

    "I’m going to take this time to remind you all that Moxxi is so much older than she looks.
    Moxxi has, at the minimum, two children, because that’s how many we’ve seen. We will assume that the others are either younger, or do not exist because there’s nothing in the hard cannon about them. We will use this to extrapolate the youngest possible age for Moxxi.
    How old would you say Scooter is in Borderlands? 20 at the bare minimum, right? And Ellie is older. So we’ll say Ellie is a year (or a bit less) older than Scooter. Let’s assume that Moxxi had Ellie at 15. Now, that’s very young, but she was raised by incestous space rednecks, so it’s not entirely out of the question. That means that Underdome Moxxi is, at minimum, is 36. Borderlands 2 takes place, I believe, five years later (roughly that long anyway, according to the timeline). That puts Borderlands 2 Moxxi at 41. Now, the timeline also says that Borderlands 3 is six years after Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary, which is itself about a year after the end of 2. That puts Moxxi at 48.

    And remember, this is the bare minimum, if Scooter does indeed have another older sister he’s named after, that pushes it back further. If Moxxi didn’t have kids at an super young age, that also pushes it back, or if Scooter is older that 20 in Borderlands (not an unreasonable assumption) that pushes it back too, and Moxxi is 50 at least.

    I spent a long time working this out with a friend once (no, I don’t know why) and I realized that she had to be kind of up there in age, but that’s a lot older than you’d think looking at her."

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