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  • Reggie0


    válasz dabadab #44 üzenetére

    "There are limits to the powers of contempt created by rulings of European Court of Human Rights. Reporting on contempt of court, the Law Commission commented that "punishment of an advocate for what he or she says in court, whether a criticism of the judge or a prosecutor, amounts to an interference with his or her rights under article 10 of the ECHR" and that such limits must be "prescribed by law" and be "necessary in a democratic society",[15] citing Nikula v Finland.[16]"

    Mondom, hogy van.

    Raadasul USA-ban sem ugy van, ahogy azt te gondolod. Ha igy lenne, akkor minden gyilkossag utan meglenne a hulla es minden bankrablas utan megtalalnak a penzt. A contempt of court nem nyomozati cselekmenyekre valo, hanem olyan esetekre, mint pl. beszoltal a bironak es bocsanatot kell kerned erte, vagy engedely nelkul fotoztal a birosagon es meg kell semmisitened, stb..

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