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  • Shamat

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    válasz prokxy #140382 üzenetére

    Ezt próbáltad már?

    "First go in your tv settings go to the UHD Deep Color and make sure it is TURNED OFF
    Then boot up your PS4 Pro in SAFE MODE
    Click on option 8
    It should say it's on automatic, click on whatever HDCP alternative is showing.
    The PS4 will then boot up
    Now we are going to navigate on the PS4 and go to the SETTINGS
    Scroll all the way down to SYSTEM
    There you will see ENABLE HDCP, DISABLE THAT and for now disable HDMI DEVICE LINK as well because well you don't want the PS4 turning off
    now hit circle
    Now lets flip back to our TV SETTINGS, now ENABLE your HDMI port for UHD Deep Color / HDR whatever it's called on your tv
    Now flip back to the Playstation settings
    Scroll all the way up to sound and screen
    click on that
    then click on video output settings
    click on resolution you will be able to select your max resolution now 2160p RGB
    Set everything below it to AUTOMATIC
    Now go back to SYSTEM menu under settings
    turn on ENABLE HDCP and HDMI DEVICE LINK (If you had device link on)
    If you did it right everything will be working."

    És a lényeg, hogy ezek után csak a REST MODE-ot használd, mert fullos kikapcsolás után újra kell zongorázni a fenti beállításokat a HDMI "handshake" miatt... Egyik barátomnak is ilyen problémája volt, és ezzel a módszerrel azóta nem jött elő neki.


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