Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • gaborbol


    válasz Plero #4252 üzenetére

    Nem kell telepiteni a progit a klins gepekre. Csak kuld ki a magat a screensaver-t a megfelelo konyvtarba a kliens gepen:

    32-bit Windows: Copy "Screensaver Operations.scr" to C:\Windows\System32
    64-bit Windows: Copy "Screensaver Operations.scr" to C:\Windows\SysWOW64

    Aztan csinalsz egy uj gpo-t es rahuzod a diak csoportra:

    Apply settings using the Group Policy snap-in under Computer Policy\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\

    Windows 2000, XP, or Server 2003:

    ------- -----------
    Display\Hide screen saver tab Removes Screen Saver tab from Display in Control Panel.
    Display\Password protect the screen saver Enable to set passwords on all screen savers. Disable to prevent passwords from being used on all screen savers.
    Display\Screen Saver Enables/Disables desktop screen savers.
    Display\Screen saver executable name Specifies the screen saver for the user's desktop and prevents changes.
    Display\Screen Saver timeout Specifies how much user idle time (in seconds) must elapse before the screen saver is launched.

    Windows Vista, 7, or Server 2008:

    ------- -----------
    Personalization\Enable screen saver Enables/Disables desktop screen savers.
    Personalization\Force specific screen saver Specifies the screen saver for the user's desktop and prevents changes.
    Personalization\Password protect the screen saver Enable to set passwords on all screen savers. Disable to prevent passwords from being used on all screen savers.
    Personalization\Prevent changing screen saver Prevents the Screen Saver dialog from opening in the Personalization or Display Control Panel.
    Personalization\Screen Saver timeout Specifies how much user idle time (in seconds) must elapse before the screen saver is launched.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák