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  • Toobee


    válasz Zen42 #110235 üzenetére

    Ha eszpresszózni kell elsődleges, akkor a Fellow azért nem tökéletes választás. Ugrik a gari, illetve fokozatos az állítás is, elég nagy lépésekben. A Lagom útválasztója segíthet.

    Erre is érdemes figyelni:
    In our experience the SSP unimodal-espresso burrs tend to excel in highlighting flavour clarity in lighter roast coffees. They can also work for darker roasts but we think their potential is best used for the lighter roasts. If you are someone who don’t mind experimenting and are chasing the delicate flavours in high-quality light roasted coffees, we recommend trying EKpresso-style shots (or Turbo shots) with this unimodal burrs. The high extraction of SSP Unimodal burrs tend to play well with higher-acid coffee (ie light roasts), making the acidity enjoyable even if you’re not an acidic-coffee lover. ;)

    As the unimodal burrs can be a new experience for many, these behaviours may not be apparent to a new user - i.e. techniques that worked on conventional burrs may not be directly applicable on the unimodal burrs. For example, as the unimodal burrs are already producing extremely fine grind at normal espresso flow rate, it is not neccesary to use additional techniques that encourage finer-grinding, and doing so may be counterproductive.

    Lagom FAQ idézet.

    Bazsee71: köszönöm, váltok privátra.

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